The A.S. dog and pony show has left town, and all we have to remember them by are the tattered remains of campaign signs and posters.
According to the A.S. constitution, campaigners have five days, or 120 hours, to remove any signage used during the election period or face a minimum fine of $10. All of the money collected from fines would go back into the Campus Elections Committee account.
It would take all of an hour to remove these signs, yet they still stand after three days. We understand why A.S. would take its sweet time since the money collected from fines wouldn’t actually go anywhere. But the rest of us still have to look at these syphilitic pieces of art and propaganda on our way to class and work.
You can find butcher paper-draped plywood across from the Humanities and Social Sciences Building. Sandwich boards telling students where they could vote shackled to lampposts and handrails. Small rectangles of construction lay duct-taped to the ground outside the Counseling and Career Services Building.
For your viewing enjoyment, Sign Watch has just a few of the many offending posters and signs. If they bother you as much as they bother us, let your A.S. representatives know about it.
Sign Watch will continue until everything comes down.