Editor, Daily Nexus,

I commend the Daily Nexus for its coverage of a club sport, the Black Tide’s performance in last weekend’s Santa Barbara Ultimate Tournament (Jan. 28, “Black Tide Rolls Before Rain Washes Out Tourney”). The men of the Tide are good guys and play on a great team; they deserve recognition. However, if the Nexus articles are written based on research, the author of the article should have known that last weekend’s tournament was not just for men. The UCSB women’s Ultimate team played too, along with 11 other women’s teams. Their finish was disappointing, compared with the Tide’s, but like the men, they had some great moments. If the Nexus reported nothing else but the fact that it was a women’s tournament too, it would be a step in the right direction. I realize that all reporting is selective, but with such a large omission, maybe these articles belonged in a section more subjective, rather than in one that claims to be news.

