Editor, Daily Nexus:

It looks like Venoco, the big oil giant, will be included in the city of Goleta. It will be very easy for Venoco to pour money into Goleta City Council campaigns and advance its own interests. Goleta needs Isla Vista to be included more than ever. Why? Isla Vista will never get bought out.

The ultra-right-wing I.V. landlords are waging a very dirty campaign against I.V. to prevent Isla Vistans from having a voice in their community and access to urban services they need. They are trying to scare Goleta into excluding I.V. from cityhood because of their greedy economic interests.

This is precisely the kind of thing that people with a lot of money, power and time on their hands do. And Isla Vistans often see right through it. This is not to say Goletans will not resist being taken over by big property rights and oil interests, but they will have more of a chance with I.V. in there with them. I.V. must be included in the Goleta city, and I will not vote for any Goleta cityhood proposal that does otherwise.

