A.S. Tackles Fight Night, Racism

At last night's Associated Students Legislative Council meeting, members traded barbs during a heated conversation that ranged from Fight Night to racism.
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Public Helps Chabad House

In the aftermath of a fire that ravaged the UCSB Chabad House three weeks ago, the Orthodox Jewish religious center has remained at the service of the local community.
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Budget Cuts Impact Student Resources

In order to stave off bill collectors, UCSB will siphon off an extra $3 million from programs and departments on campus that receive money from students.
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Veteran Professor Passes Away

UCSB anthropology professor Phillip L. Walker died after a suspected heart attack last Friday. He was 61 years old.
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Connoisseurs To Convene

Food aficionados will find a smorgasbord of events to sample during this week's Food Sustainability and Food Security: A UCSB Conference.
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Guest Professor Presents New Book

Paula Fredriksen made an appearance at Corwin Pavilion last night to tackle the subject of anti-Semitism.
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Endless Debate

With nearly 900 Palestinians and Israelis dead since bloodshed resumed in Gaza last month, the Daily Nexus sat down with two individuals deeply concerned with the conflict.
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Health Screens Help Kids

Isla Vista's next generation of youngsters were screened for vision, hearing, body-mass index and dental health at I.V. Elementary School this Friday as part of the Child Care Health Linkages Program.
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Scientist To Give Speech

World-renowned climatologist Dr. Stephen Schneider will lecture on Monday about global warming and government policy.
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