Campus Earns Praise for Energy Efforts

Southern California Edison welcomed UCSB into its Cool Planet Program in recognition of the campus’s numerous green initiatives. The CPP promotes improved energy efficiency and environmental sustain...
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Spring Candidates Debate Key Issues, Establish Platforms

Roughly 50 students gathered in the UCen’s Hub yesterday to attend a debate between candidates vying for the executive positions of External Vice President of Local Affairs and Internal Vice Preside...
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Event To Promote Better American-Iraqi Relations

Gauchos will have the chance to connect with fellow college students in Iraq during the videoconference “A Dialogue for Peace: Live From Baghdad” this Sunday at 10 p.m. in the MultiCultural Center...
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UC Berkeley Unveils New Program to Alleviate Rising Cost of Tuition

UC Berkeley officials announced plans for a new financial aid program targeting students from middle-income families that introduces a tuition cap relative to household income. The “Middle Class Acc...
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UCSB Student Receives Honor

Fourth-year ecology major Anai Novoa received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring early last month in Washington, D.C., on behalf of the San Diego-b...
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Gaucho, Nonprofit Honored by White House

Fourth-year ecology major Anai Novoa received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring earlier this month in Washington, D.C. on behalf of the San Diego-...
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‘Occupy’ Movement Hits I.V.

UCSB students, faculty and community members gathered this past weekend at People’s Park for an Occupy Isla Vista demonstration. The rally began Saturday at 3 p.m. and featured musical performances,...
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Plan Aims To Resolve I.V. Parking

The Isla Vista Project Area Committee considered a proposed program to monitor parking on I.V. streets between 3 and 5 a.m. during last Wednesday’s meeting. Community members and committee represent...
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Scientists Improve Graphene Creation

Scientists in the UCSB Nanoelectronics Research Lab have developed breakthrough technology in synthesizing graphene, a substance that could be revolutionary for a range of sectors including nanotechno...
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