Vivian Bui / Daily Nexus

Vivian Bui / Daily Nexus

The Associated Students Finance and Business Committee (A.S. F&B) met Monday in the State Street Room of the UCen to discuss funding requests from 19 campus organizations.

The committee began the meeting with $12,559 in the Student Initiated Outreach Program, $11,357 in the culture weeks and graduation fund, $20,480 for sports teams, $6,152 for academic teams and $5,565 in unallocated funds. A.S. F&B fully granted nine requests, partially granted six, tabled three and denied one.

Anscombe Society requested but was denied $1,300 to hire an outside professor for a debate on the consequences of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage.

A.S. F&B granted the Ambience group at UCSB $1,970 out of a requested $2,495 for a “flow art” festival in February.

The Undergraduate Philosophy Club requested and received $300 to host an outreach event featuring a graduate student panel.

Lorna Gilmore, president of the club, said the event will give “undergraduates information about post-graduation alternatives and plans, and it’ll be a great chance for undergraduates to connect and collaborate on options.”

Medlife group requested $10,500 to put toward their medical brigade trip to Cusco, Peru, and A.S. F&B voted to grant them $10,000.

“Medlife stands for medicine, education, development for low-income families everywhere,” Medlife president Mark Arthur said. “So what we do is we travel to different countries: Ecuador, Peru, and we provide the people there with aid — a lot of people don’t have access to private healthcare.”

Swing and Ballroom Dance Club requested $3,242 to host their spring dance “Swing into Spring,” open to all students.  A.S. F&B voted to grant them $2,460.

Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Inc. and UCSB American Red Cross Club jointly requested $3,000 to co-host a CPR training event. A.S. F&B voted to fund them $2,160 with a stipulation that only 25 members from each organization could attend the training.

American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) requested and received $1,000 to host workshops and professional events.

AIChE co-president and fourth-year student Travis Coney said the institute is a national institution and is “used by chemical engineers across the nation professionally … to network, gain different career experiences, certifications and things like that.”

Gaming at UCSB requested and received $605 to host quarterly Local Area Network (LAN) events.

Southeast Asian Student Union requested and received $2,435 to host a youth conference geared toward high school students from Southeast Asia.

“The demographic for Southeast Asians on college campuses is very low,” Chanavie Bun, co-president of the organization and a fifth-year psychology and philosophy double major, said. “So what the purpose of the program is we just want to expose [the students] to pursuing a higher education and motivating them to want to do this or even just finish high school.”

Zeta Phi Rho requested and received $504 to host their 12th annual poker tournament.

Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers requested and received $892 to attend a regional conference at UC Berkeley.

Lebanese Social Club requested $4,105 to attend the Lebanese Collegiate Network Convention at UCLA.  A.S. F&B tabled the request for a week, asking the club to develop more fundraising ideas and plans for the event.

The UCSB Ethics Bowl team requested an additional $296 for the regional Ethic Bowl tournament due to price changes. A.S. F&B fully funded their request.

National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) requested $23,075 to attend the National Convention. A.S. F&B partially funded the request, allocating $19,475.

Women in Science and Engineering (W.I.S.E.) requested $1050 to host a S.T.E.M. event for local middle school and high school girls. A.S. F&B granted the group $450.

“This is an event for middle school and high school girls to come from local areas to work on S.T.E.M. fields,” a W.I.S.E. representative said. “We have faculty come and speakers come and it’s, like, an all-day workshop.”

Olive Tree Initiative requested $12,000 to plan a trip to New York and Israel to learn more about the Palestine Israel conflict. A.S. F&B tabled the request indefinitely.

Delta Sigma Pi requested $890 to host professional events with PricewaterhouseCoopers, Ernst & Young and Start Up Tech Con. A.S. F&B voted to fully fund the request with a stipulation that they advertise in the economics department lectures.

The office of the External Vice President of Statewide Affairs (EVPSA) requested $162 to host a forum on South Asian mental health. A.S. F&B voted to table the request indefinitely.

ABC hosted by IVTU requested approval of $200 in glow sticks. A.S. F&B approved their request.

Raices de mi Tierra requested $15,145 to host the nonprofit’s 26th annual show for children in Isla Vista.  A.S F&B voted to partially fund them $9,000.
