The Associated Students Finance Board dispersed $8,241 to five of seven student organizations present at last night’s hour-and-a-half meeting, stipulating that financed events must take place during Winter Quarter due to the exhaustion of Fall 2011’s unallocated budget during last week’s meeting.

The board partially funded the Alcohol & Drug Program, Delta Sigma Pi, Sigma Alpha Zeta, Hermanos Unidos and the UCSB Cheer Team. However, board members denied both Model United Nations’ request for $1,100 to attend its annual international conference and the Bottom Line’s request for $418.55 to attend a UC Regents meeting due to short notice and the meeting’s Fall Quarter date.

ADP Outreach, responsible for the “Life of the Party” campaign, received $500 of the $1,000 it requested to print an updated version of the “Just Call 911” flipcharts currently posted in residence halls.

Life of the Party Intern Marcella Wong, a second-year psychology major, said the program provides undergraduates with information about substance abuse and sober social events.

“These flipcharts will be out by Fall Quarter of next year to be handed out before Halloween, like we did this year, so students understand how to deal with drug and alcohol poisoning,” Wong said. “We’re going to make new flipcharts to show what to do on weekends if you’re not going out to parties. We’re planning on putting more information, so it costs a lot more with more pages.”

Sigma Alpha Zeta and Hermanos Unidos requested $6,396 for their 14th annual College Outreach Program, a collaborative event that allows 120 low-income high school students from the Los Angeles area to experience life at UCSB during an overnight stay.

Sigma Alpha Zeta Outreach Facilitator Andrea Valenzuela, a third-year Latin American and Iberian studies and black studies major, said the trip reaches out to many who may not otherwise have considered UCSB a post-graduation option.

“[These] students are generally first-generation students,” Valenzuela said. “They stay with college freshmen in the dorms and about 25 students who went to the program come to UCSB.”

The board eventually concluded the meeting with the allocation of $4,326 toward the College Outreach Program.
