Loss of Affordable EAP Hurts Students and UC

UC budget cuts are putting Education Abroad Programs in serious jeopardy.

Team Talks of I.V. Plans

The Isla Vista Project Area Committee met last week to discuss current and upcoming projects under the I.V. Master Plan.

Global World Demands Language Program

The German philosopher Franz Rosenzweig once said, “as many languages someone speaks, as many times he/she is a human being.” The cuts to the foreign language and literature programs have been brutal throughout UCSB and throughout other UC campuses.

New Statutes Enact Early Releases in SB Facilities

Seventy-one inmates were released from the Santa Barbara County Jail last Monday in concurrence with new state guidelines for release based on “good behavior.”

UC Must Reprioritize to End “Budget Crisis”

While students are being asked to accept a 32 percent increase in fees, they are also being told that they have to tolerate a lowering of educational quality. Currently, classes are getting bigger, courses are being eliminated, teachers are being laid off, and on some campuses, tutoring services have been cancelled.

UC Student Takes Tiara at Pageant

UCSB freshman Carley Ryckman was recently crowned Miss Santa Barbara County 2010.

Budget Cuts Make a Joke of UC Standards

For any professor who cares about students, the budget cuts create an overwhelming sense of frustration. The scramble for seats at the beginning of each term, made much worse by the reduction in the number and size of classes being offered, has turned a UC education into a game of musical chairs, a parody of education.

Loss of Career Services Will Hurt All Students

Like all of the departments at UCSB, Career Services has had its budget cut with the recession: 15 percent last year, an estimated 20 percent this year, and an anticipated 15 percent next year. That’s half our budget in three years.