Actor and television-regular Gary Collins is currently serving a 120-day sentence at home for a DUI he received in Summerland earlier this year.

According to a press release from the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Dept., Collins appeared at the county jail yesterday to have an electronic monitoring device attached to his ankle. Collins was pulled over in Summerland on January 31 and pleaded no contest to driving a motor-home drunk.

He was sentenced to jail in March, but was able to request home detention in lieu of spending time behind bars. Instead, the GPS device will track his movements for the next several months.

During his sentence, the 70-year-old actor is permitted to go to work and leave his home for a total of four hours each week in order to run errands, according to the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Dept. If he complies with these restrictions, he will receive credit and be released from the program early – after 72 days – on August 6.

Collins has appeared as a range of characters in movies and television series and is a well-known television host. He is married to former Miss America Mary Ann Mobley. This was his third DUI conviction.
