UCSB hosts senior celebration fair
UC Santa Barbara is hosting a senior celebration fair on Thursday, June 1, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Storke Plaza. The celebration will feature UCSB merchandise, free breakfast, snacks, games and more.
“We will be giving away UCSB First and Class of 2023 merchandise and there will also be free breakfast, snacks, games, photo ops, raffles, live music, and various UCSB alumni panels for senior[s] to connect with,” the Shoreline description read.
The event is open to all seniors. Prospective attendees can register for the event through a RSVP form.
SAGE Center hosts guest lecture about image systems
University College London professor David Wengrow is presenting a guest lecture on Thursday, June 1, from 4-5 p.m. in Psychology 1312. The lecture is hosted by the SAGE Center for the Study of the Mind.
“Yet the capacity of image systems to serve as complex intellectual devices in their own right is often overshadowed by their perception as “merely illustrating” propositions expressed in language or writing,” the Shoreline description read. “My SAGE lecture will offer a reappraisal of the status of image systems in human cognition and history, highlighting their role in the development of human societies across the divide of ‘oral’ and ‘literate’ cultures.”
Live streaming is not available for the lecture.
Residential Housing Association hosts drag, pride festival
The Residential Housing Association is hosting a pride festival titled “Taking Pride with Drag,” on Thursday, June 1, from 7-10 p.m. at Storke Plaza.
“A small pride festival where we will have drag queens, music, food, and good vibes,” the Shoreline description read. “This is meant to be a safe space for members of the LGBTQ+ community and allies to celebrate pride together.”
The event will feature a drag show, vendors and tabling. Food will be provided and will include cotton candy, snow cones, popcorn and more.
A.S. Trans & Queer Commission hosts LGBTQIA+ rollerskating night
The Associated Students (A.S.) Trans & Queer Commission (TQComm) is hosting a rollerskating night for LGBTQIA+ students on Friday, June 2, from 7-9 p.m. at the UCSB Recreation Center.
The event is disco themed, and prospective attendees can sign up through Shoreline.
Afghan Student Association, Students for Justice in Palestine host culture night
The Afghan Student Association (ASA) and Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) are hosting a collaborative culture night on Friday, June 2, from 7-10 p.m. at the Graduate Student Association Lounge.
The event serves as “an end-of-year culture night to celebrate South Asian and Middle Eastern Cultures,” the Shoreline description read.
ASA and SJP will serve halal Afghan and Arab food and drinks, with Afghan, Arab and Bollywood music. ASA board members will also perform the Attan — the national dance of Afghanistan.
A.S. Public & Mental Health Commission hosts mental health conference
A.S. Public & Mental Health Commission is hosting its eighth annual UCSB Mental Health Conference on Saturday, June 3, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Student Resource Building (SRB).
The all-day conference will feature free breakfast and lunch, tote bags, t-shirts and other items. The event will feature a keynote speech by Hosford Counseling & Psychological Services Clinic Director Heidi Zetzer, student panelists and various campus group workshops.
“We’ll dive into a variety of mental health topics relating to imposter syndrome, academic burnout, and managing transitions,” the Shoreline description read.
TQComm hosts Isla Vista’s first ever pride festival
TQComm is hosting Isla Vista’s first ever pride festival on Saturday, June 3, from 12-4 p.m. at Little Acorn Park and the I.V. Community Center.
Titled “QTOPIA,” the festival will feature small business vendors, photo booths, water slides, food and live music. Several local businesses in I.V. are also participating in Rainbow Loop — organized by Her Campus UCSB — where they will donate a portion of their pre-tax sales to the Pacific Pride Foundation.
Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity hosts Aro/Ace Picnic
The Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity is hosting its quarterly picnic for aromantic and asexual students on Saturday, June 3, from 12-2 p.m. at the SRB lawn.
“Join us for our quarterly aro/ace picnic for an afternoon of fun and games,” the Shoreline description read. “Feel free to bring your own food, or enjoy the snacks provided.”
Commission on Culture, Arts, and Joy Justice hosts African culture night
The A.S. Commission on Culture, Arts, and Joy Justice is hosting an African Culture Night on Saturday, June 3, from 6:30-9 p.m. at I.V. Theater. The event is co-hosted by the East African Student Association, African diasporic Cultural Resource Center, Educational Opportunity Program, Nigerian Students Association and Caribbean Student Association.
“The African Culture Night highlights the beauty of the cultures within the African diaspora through live music and dance performances, a fashion show, a comedy show, and refreshments,” the Shoreline description read. “All are welcome to join us for a celebration Beyond Borders.”
The event will feature live music, dance performances and a fashion show, including a comedy set by Nigerian American actor Chinedu Unaka. Food and refreshments will be provided.
A.S. Black Women’s Health Collaborative hosts generational brunch
The A.S. Black Women’s Health Collaborative (BWHC) is hosting a generational brunch for Black students and their family members on Sunday, June 4, from 1-3:30 p.m. at the Mosher Alumni House Whalen Plaza. The brunch’s theme is pastels and monochrome, and brunch hats are encouraged.
“Black Women’s knowledge continues to inspire and hold it down,” the Shoreline description read. “With the plethora of existing Black beauty and intellect, we are excited to come together to celebrate and hold space for our collective empowered endeavors of the past, present, and future.”
Prospective attendees are required to fill out BWHC’s RSVP form. Food will be provided.
Raíces de Mi Tierra presents annual showcase
Raíces de Mi Tierra is hosting its 31st annual showcase on Sunday, June 4, from 3-4:30 p.m. at Campbell Hall. The event — titled “Las Costumbres de la Costa” — is free admission and will showcase various dance performances from the group.
“Every year, Raíces de mi Tierra hosts an annual showcase where we share the different dances we have been working on throughout the year,” the Shoreline description read. “In addition, this even allows us to showcase the beauty and diversity of traditional Mexican dance.”
A version of this article appeared on p. 3 of the June 1, 2023, print edition of the Daily Nexus.
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