Amid growing concerns from community members and university officials about the spread of COVID-19 in Isla Vista, the Nexus sought out to document the current state of partying during an average weekend in quarantine.
Over 300 unmasked people — mostly in large groups — were seen on the streets of Del Playa Drive, Sabado Tarde Road and Trigo Road between the hours of 10 p.m. and 12 a.m. on the evenings of Friday, Aug. 28 and Saturday, Aug. 29.
Officers from the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office patrolled the streets both nights and promptly ended a party on Del Playa Drive on Saturday, sending a mostly maskless crowd of nearly 100 into the street. Large gatherings — and not wearing a mask while attending one — are currently prohibited by Santa Barbara County, according to Health Officer Order 2020-12.5 and Health Officer Order 2020-10, respectively.
there goes the rest of our year
Stay-at-home orders don’t work, mandatory masks don’t work, and politicians are not concerned about anything other than their re-elections. Herd immunity is key. 15-20% of the population must be infected to achieve partial herd immunity as they did in the northeast in the early stages of April. California delayed the spread, but did not eliminate it. CA has seen about 25% of the total covid cases. Ny has seen about 97% because they had their outbreak earlier. Protect those with pre-existing conditions while allowing the general public to live as they please.
You aren’t accounting for deaths and overrun hospitals on the east coast. Please, do your homework. You are spouting pseudo science.
I don’t think Cuomo can send senior citizens to IV, and last I checked the average age in IV is about 21. As long as the old Karen’s stay out of IV no one should die.
That’s honestly ignorant as fuck. Young people are just as likely to catch it, just less likely to suffer serious consequences. Ignoring the percentage of young people that will actually get seriously ill, the remaining group of young people that have the virus but are either asymptomatic or don’t have severe enough symptoms to warrant any special concern are then “superspreaders,” meaning that because they are still socializing as normal but do carry the virus, they play an especially heavy hand in spreading the virus & infecting more people. Of course, this includes exposing more immunocompromised & high-risk people than… Read more »
you realize families with children live in IV right? and all the students in IV also leave IV for shopping, necessities, etc. and go into the general community. this is literally indirectly killing people.
There’s literally a retirement community named Friendship Manor in Isla Vista. There are also several multi-generational family units living in Isla Vista particularly out around the IV Elementary area
You can catch covid 19 again even after you’ve survived it once. Herd immunity is not a reliable method, & even if it were, that means that we still need to sacrifice a percentage of the population who will die in order to “achieve” “herd immunity.”
Herd immunity didn’t work for AIDS. No-one yet knows whether or not SARS-CoV2 (a)even has herd immunity (b)causes serious long-term heart, brain, and lung damage… remember that for HIV (the AIDS virus) there is about 7 years between the first infection (which is very mild) and the severe symptoms. It could easily be that in the future all the current folks infected with SAR-CoV2 will have severe symptoms. And of course for the 1918 pandemic, US cities that implemented masking and social distancing had lower total death rates.
HIV is a retrovirus meaning it can insert its viral genome into the host cells genome and stay there dormant for years while the host cells replicate so that’s why HIV is incurable and no sign of infection can be deteactable at first but SARS-CoV-2 is a coronavirus so it’s not able to do this so it is curable and it is not able to lay dormant in your cells and then flare up again! However, if someone who had SARS-CoV-2 already, gets infected again (which is extremely possible, it’s been proven that the antibodies only stay in your blood… Read more »
Of course coronaviruses also inject their genome into host cells. No-one yet knows whether SARC-CoV-2 lurks as long as HIV, because, we’ve only known about this particular virus for 9 months or so.
If the U.S. allowed the coronavirus to spread unchecked in an attempt to try to achieve so-called herd immunity, the “death toll would be enormous,” White House coronavirus advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said Thursday, August 27th. You know, the day before this happened. Buckle up and watch what happens the fall and winter as people lower their immunities with common colds and the flu — or whatever STI you catch on campus.
Not for nothing, but as a career staff member at UCSB this behavior, and the resulting surge in cases from the IV community, is a factor in our new case counts which are why SB County can’t open our school and why I just got laid off. You may not catch COVID. You may not make me sick. It’s very possible nobody will die as a result of the essential need to party and the inability to overcome that unbearable burden and make the sacrifice to… wear a mask. But, make no mistake, my life has been damaged here anyway.
I’m so sorry… These are brainless entitled brats.
I got to enjoy the full range of student experience during my time at UCSB. I think it’s unfair that the current generation of students won’t get the same. People have a right to enjoy their youth and if this were being done to the Boomer generation, on behalf of a disease that primarily affected their parents and not them, they would not have taken it lying down.
How many years since you graduated and you still cannot move on. When you say you experienced the full range of student experience do you mean being hated by the student body or disgusting the majority of your classmates with your pointless and wasteful constant self aggrandizing?
I haven’t been back to SB in years, except a few weeks ago when I passed through briefly on a road trip up north. The last friends I went to school with graduated in 2019. I have like two or three friends left in the area. The lockdowns at UCSB have zero effect on my life, but I’m still angry that the school is treating current students this way. Young people have gotten the short end of the stick during the lockdowns in so many ways these past six months. According to CDC statistics, over 25% of young people ages… Read more »
Wow you really responded like I thought you were physically here and not just a graduate who still posts on their college paper and cannot move forward with their non existent life. Its awful to be so constantly angry and malcontent what a pathetic and little life. I am so sorry for you. Please move on for our benefit and yours
Just to add a little perspective to those “bullshit Zoom college classrooms”: who do you think that burden falls on? Graduate students. People who already don’t get paid enough (hence the COLA strike in winter quarter) are being forced to take on double (best case scenario) the labor without proper compensation. Not to mention that most graduate students live in and around the area, tend to be older, and/or have young children. So, instead of all the ignorant and selfish bullshit you’re already spouting, maybe think about how the actions of “young people” affect literally everyone else. We live in… Read more »
I don’t know how much work the grad students are doing. I do know that they are delivering an inferior product. In a free market (a concept that’s not often touted at UCSB, I know), it doesn’t matter how much work you put into creating a thing but how valuable that thing is. I could put a lot of work into digging a hole and then filling it back up, but that doesn’t make it worth anything. There’s significant evidence showing that online education is inferior to in-person. College students are paying the same for inferior quality schooling. That’s not… Read more »
Please do humanity a favor Jason and don’t wear a mask.
Must be hard living with IQ of 30, Jason
These people have to respect the State public health directives, which they haven’t. End of story.
If the pandemic doesn’t abate, it might make sense to rethink UCSB’s roll as an institution. A large undergraduate program may becon unviable, however, as a graduate level research intitution, UCSB could thrive. Graduate students have the maturity to take appropriate measures and act responsibly. However, the push to expand the undergraduate population, and the inclusion of SBCC students has lowered the average level of maturity and eroded the quality of the community. The enduring pandemic may make it necessary to reduce the poulation density in and around the university. A shift toward a gradute level university would accomplish this… Read more »
Of course UCSB is not yet in regular session (Summer Session ends on 12 Sep), while Santa Barbara City College started its fall semester on 24 August, six days prior to these photographs.
Disgusting. I hope each of them get exactly what they deserve for being selfish and stupid.