Graduation used to be a well-defined milestone in one’s life, with Chancellor Yang’s speech, the turning of the tassel and cheers from friends and family — all packed in one day on the lagoon lawn. The coronavirus has, however, rendered the threshold between college and the next step in one’s life blurred: The commencement speech could be viewed for a month after the end of the quarter, and one could have (and most likely) watched it on the same spot where they had Zoom lectures for spring quarter. As the pandemic forced a change in how to mark one’s graduation, the class of 2020 has been creative in the way it said farewell to college. Over the past months, we have collected photos that documented graduation under the special circumstance, from taking graduation photos on a nearly deserted campus to a makeshift graduation ceremony with friends.


Sicheng Wang
Sicheng Wang is a junior in Mechanical Engineering and the current Photo Editor at Daily Nexus. Photography and journalism are some of his interests that seem not very relevent to his field of study. He can be reached at