As the heat waves batter down California’s Pacific Coast, many Isla Vistans have decided to spend their weekend afternoons on the beach.
This past weekend likely saw some of the largest beach crowds in Isla Vista in recent weeks and vastly exceeded the number of people who turned out for this year’s Deltopia. Many beach activities such as beer pong and frisbee also returned from hibernation.
In the past few days, nearby counties including Ventura County and Orange County — where public beaches remain open — also drew large crowds and raised concerns over the risk of virus transmission from mass gatherings.
It was also like 90 degrees and some people don’t have Air conditioning..
It’ll be funny when you’re all sick and not around next year.
a COVID outbreak in IV could lead to cancellation of Fall quarter. the UC is well on its way to bankruptcy already–no reopening will put a fork in them. assuming the worst and the County’s largest employer lays everyone off the financial hit in loss of property tax alone could drive them to bankruptcy. on the off chance this might happen the County might consider having the sheriff’s department close the beaches. oh and anyone who says “dude, chill, none of this could ever happen” needs to read the story about a pandemic that brought the entire world to its… Read more »
Playing devil’s advocate, seems like even under strenuous conditions Fall quarter would continue as it has these months via telepresence.
“Can’t fix stupid”
Most groups I saw seemed to be following social distancing from each other. Granted not all groups are likely to be all people that already live together. Given the size of our beaches it seems doable to go an enjoy while manyainig a substantial (20ft+) distance from other people.
You’d think the daily nexus writers would understand that people in Isla Vista can have up to 10+ housemates. All of these groups for the most part are spread out from each other. IV only 1 case officially. Bad journalism.