UPDATE [9/20/2019 3:25 p.m.] UC Santa Barbara sent out a notification Friday afternoon at 3:16 p.m. saying that there had been no additional reported mountain lion sightings since the last one on Thursday morning. The alert still cautioned students to “be aware of [their] surroundings and report sightings,” but said they do not anticipate sending additional emergency alerts otherwise.
The third reported mountain lion sighting in two days came on Thursday morning, when an emergency alert sent out at 7:58 a.m. said a mountain lion had been spotted near the West Campus Child Care Center.
A map of all mountain lion sightings can be viewed above. Evelyn Spence / Daily Nexus
Police and California Fish and Wildlife were said to be on the scene, and individuals were advised to avoid the area.
A mountain lion was initially spotted around 5 p.m. on Tuesday at Campus Point, near the lagoon and service road turn around, and then again at 2 p.m. Wednesday, near the Devereux Lagoon near West Campus.
This article will be updated.