Had a sinful Spring Break? Look no further, as this once-a-year opportunity will let you cleanse both your sins and the gnarly, natty-daddy ridden streets of Del Playa. Don’t worry about having nothing to clean – the students of UCSB will keep you very busy. Join Adopt-A-Block and the Isla Vista Recreation & Parks District (IVRPD) to help bring the pavement back to life. The clean up will take place this Sunday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. To participate, sign up at the IVRPD office on 961 Embarcadero del Mar. Gloves, buckets and trash grabbers will all be provided to you free of cost. You might not be able to clean everything, but it’s the thought that counts.
Food Not Bombs
Food not bombs is back with another opportunity to cook a free meal for your community! Even if Food Network wasn’t your go-to in the days before Netflix, don’t hesitate to dip your toes in the cooking world to make some food for a good cause! The event takes place this Sunday from 2:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. At 2:30 p.m., you’ll begin cooking preparations at 777 Camino Pescadero. At 5 p.m., you’ll serve food to the community at Little Acorn Park and return to 777 Camino Pescadero at 6:15 p.m. to clean some dishes. They are in regular need of volunteers, so do the community a favor and brandish that ladle. There is no sign up – all you have to do is show up. Think of it like crashing a class.
Engineers Without Borders
Let’s be real, we all know Hana Kitchen probably cooks better than your housemates. If you’d like to treat yourself with a meal out, you can easily kill two weeds with the same whacker by showing up to Hana Kitchen anytime this Friday from 12 p.m. to 10 p.m. Some of the proceeds of your chicken bowl will be donated in support of the Engineers Without Borders project. With chapters in Rwanda and Kenya, the Engineers Without Borders plan on taking a trip to Panama this summer, so rip those chopsticks apart and get smackin’!
MAPAS, or Making Adventures Possible for all Students, is hosting a kayaking event this Friday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Fluency in swimming is recommended, but nobody will look twice if you show up in your floaties. In order to participate, check in at the UCSB Adventure Program station near Campus Point to pick up a kayak and celebrate the start of this glorious Spring Quarter.
If blasting Billboard’s Top 100 songs for 24 hours straight isn’t your kind of gig, then SBKlub might offer the perfect Deltopia alternative. If you like food, dancing, the beach or honestly anything, then this event might grab your eye – or your tongue – depending on how much of a palate you have for potluck. The event will take place at Goleta Beach this Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The current forecast is upper 60’s and mostly cloudy – perfect for a potluck.