A project to track sexual assault in Isla Vista hasn’t gotten off the ground in nine months, even after a high-ranking university official referred to it as “in progress.”

Though the university said the report card was “in progress,” a local government official questioned if the project is feasible. Jose Ochoa / Daily Nexus
The sexual assault “report card” is one of 12 demands that UC Santa Barbara administrators agreed to address in May 2017 after a student sit-in. But so far, neither the university nor the local government has started to work on it.
The demand calls for the university to “work with the Isla Vista Community Services District to develop a report card… for behaviors and education surrounding rape and sexual assault in Isla Vista.”
At a Feb. 8 town hall, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Margaret Klawunn featured the report card in a slideshow documenting the progress made on the demands. In the slideshow, the report card was listed as “in progress.”
But the university did not contact I.V. CSD President Ethan Bertrand about the report card until Tuesday night.
“The CSD looks forward to working with the university on these continued efforts, but at this point there has not been a partnership on that front,” Bertrand told the Nexus after a Feb. 12 CSD meeting.
Klawunn said she was under the impression that the CSD was working directly with students on the report card.
“It had come up at one of the meetings that we had, where I was told that students were working directly with the CSD on that item,” Klawunn said. “I thought I was only reporting progress that was being made.” She said she did not remember who had told her or at which meeting.
Klawunn spoke to Bertrand about the report card on Tuesday night, after the Nexus had inquired about the university’s progress. She said Bertrand told her that the report card is not actually feasible.
“I sought Ethan out yesterday and asked him,” she said. “He said, ‘No, we can’t do it the way [Ro’Shawndra Earvin] had hoped it’d be carried out.’” Earvin led the 2017 sit-in.
The demand calls for documenting crime in I.V. and counting the number of meetings that have educated the community about sexual assault.
Local officials will need to find a different way to create a report card, Klawunn said. She suggested creating local crime reports as an alternative. Bertrand could not be reached to elaborate on how an alternate report card would look.
A version of this story appeared on pg. 1 of the Feb. 22 issue of the Daily Nexus.
I guess this is what happens when cowards in the administration agree to unilateral demands effectively at gunpoint without stepping back and actually considering the greater ramifications of the proposed policy!
didnt you graduate?
So did Jonathan Abboud but he’s still around!