Sierra Deak / Daily Nexus
The Biko Garage will be hosting a hardcore punk show at 6612 Sueno Road from 7 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. this Friday. Taking up the drums, guitars and mic stands will be Genocide Jack, a Santa Maria hardcore band; Little B!tch, a Santa Barbara “goofball health punk” band; Dead End Cemetery, a Santa Barbara high school punk band; and Crash 45, a Santa Barbara pop-punk band. Organizers suggest giving a $5 donation at the door.
The UC Santa Barbara Associated Students Bike Committee will be giving out free bike lights at the Pardall Center from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. next Wednesday, Nov. 8. The first 500 participants will receive both front and rear bike lights after learning about bicycle safety and traffic laws. The event is sponsored by the A.S. Bike Committee, local law enforcement and UC Santa Barbara’s Division of Student Affairs.
The Food, Nutrition and Basic Skills program will be teaching students how to choose produce, sort it, store it and cut it properly at the Isla Vista Food Cooperative from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday. The group invites students to bring their produce-related questions and will be giving out a seasonal produce chart, recipes, coupons and raffle tickets.
UC Santa Barbara Indus will be hosting an open mic night at the Coffee Collaborative from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Friday night. Musicians, pianists, comedians and poets are all welcome. The event is free and open to the public. Indus requests that performers sign up ahead of time by filling out the form on the group’s Facebook event page description.
The Isla Vista Food Cooperative will be hosting a candy swap from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. this Friday. The Co-op will trade Halloween candy that I.V. residents acquired for their own healthier treats. The trade ratios are two small candy bars for one small Co-op treat and four small candy bars for one big Co-op treat. Co-op treats include fruit leather, vegan jelly beans, fresh fruit, milk and dark chocolate, vegan cookies and Halloween stickers. The event is free for participants aged two to 12.
A local group called Food Not Bombs will serve free vegan food at 5 p.m. Sunday at Little Acorn Park (next to Bagel Cafe). Food Not Bombs is a large organization that spans the country and is a form of “franchise activism.” They believe that corporate and government priorities are skewed and allow hunger despite the abundance of food and food waste. Those interested in cooking for Sunday can email organizers at foodnotbombsislavista@gmail.com or look for more information on the Food Not Bombs – Isla Vista Facebook page. The dinner is regularly held every Sunday.
A version of this story appeared on p. 3 of the Thursday, Nov. 2, edition of the Daily Nexus.