Welcome to UC Santa Barbara. Scroll below to find stories from each section catered to the incoming freshman. Sierra Deak / Daily Nexus
Editor’s Note: A Look Ahead for the Class of 2020
Class of 2020, welcome to paradise. Now that you stand at the gateway, after countless hours spent researching universities from East Coast to West Coast (ehem, Best Coast), allow me to give you a look inside what the future holds in store for you in this laid-back community where the beach is your backyard and shorts are appropriate attire 365 days of the year. Read More
Bikes: Gauchos’ Ride or Die: Take a spin with the Nexus through UCSB’s history on two wheels.
One could hardly paint an accurate portrait of the UC Santa Barbara campus without including a few key details: hundreds of bikes lined side-by-side outside lecture halls, thousands of bikes filed bumper-to-bumper en route to classes and, occasionally, two bikes locked together when there is no space on the bike racks. Read More
5 Tips for Freshmen Still Suffering from Post-High-School Stress Disorder
You just barely managed to get out of high school alive, and now you’re being thrown into the riveting world of college. Need some tips on how to make your first year not suck? Don’t worry, we gaucho back. Read More
Fifty Years of Education, Innovation and Technology
An interdisciplinary culture of innovation committed to developing new technology in ways that benefit the world, the UCSB College of Engineering has proven itself as one of the most successful public research institutions in the country for the past 50 years. As such, the College of Engineering is celebrating its 50th anniversary after years of growth and emerging engineering departments.

Above is Engineering II, a three-story building where many upperclassmen majoring in mechanical and chemical engineering have classes as well as labs. The labs are also occupied by professors conducting their own research. Jenny Luo / Daily Nexus
A Million Short Romances: Lessons in Love from Isla Vista
Isla Vista culture has definitely taught me a unique lesson:
You know what’s overrated? Larger than life, drawn-out romances. It is the product of way too many novels, movies, Broadway productions and adolescent dreams. In the interest of being alternative, let us draw attention to all the mini, short-lived romances. Read More
Eyes Wide Open: A Guide to Isla Vista Coffee
Ah, the sweet air of yet another approaching school year is descending upon I.V. That familiar scent of roasted coffee brings us back to late-night cram sessions fueled solely by caffeine and a let’s-just-get-this-over-with attitude. For some of you, this is your first year experiencing this ritual; for others, it’s a familiar and comforting friend. It’s important to find the right match to suit your studying needs, so here is a compilation of the pros and cons of each coffee shop in Isla Vista. Read More
Welcome to Soccer Heaven
On behalf of the Daily Nexus Sports staff, we would like to welcome the class of 2020 to paradise here at UCSB. While you may not know it just yet, various moments and fun memories await as you continue life as a Gaucho.
Frank Ocean, ‘Blonde’ and the Visual Album
Using the phrase “long-awaited” would be trite in welcoming the release of Frank Ocean’s third album. Read More