We, the editors of the Daily Nexus, place the interests and needs of you — our campus communities — above all else, and seek to provide meaningful and essential news, editorial and feature coverage. We do this using a strict editorial code of conduct and ethics.

On Sunday, April 20, one of our fellow students submitted an op-ed accusing another student of sexual assault. At the time of the request, the accuser had not gone to the police or filed a report, and she had not gone to Judicial Affairs.

We did not publish this piece because to print a story of an alleged crime without a formal complaint or police report is irresponsible and unethical. It is not only against the journalism code of ethics, it is also harmful to the individuals involved, harmful to the truth and harmful to the community.

Since Sunday, the accuser has posted a blog entry stating she has now contacted Judicial Affairs and the police. We will investigate these claims and once they are confirmed, we will report on this story, as we will with all stories of interest and concern to our campus community. However, we will continue our policy of not printing unsubstantiated claims or allegations.

Our doors are always open to investigate important stories and hear from both sides. We take sexual assault very seriously, and we will report on serious crimes once they have been filed through the proper channels. We’re here to serve you.
