Associated Students Senate held a “Turkey Talk” — although there was no actual turkey — in Santa Rosa Residence Hall last night, inviting students to speak with the campus’s student government.

Alongside some free pumpkin pie and apple cider, members of Associated Students answered questions from concerned students. The annual event invites senators to speak with students around campus, On-campus Senator Kimia Hashemian , a second-year biology major, said.

“This meeting helps with transparency of A.S. Senate, and it lets students know what the senate is doing,” Hashemian said. “It shows them what A.S. is and how to get involved.”

Andrew Neiman , On-campus Senator and second-year global studies major, said the open meeting helps him talk with students, “It’s hard for us to act with the best wishes of our constituents if we can’t talk to them.”

While non-freshman A.S. members may already be aware of older students’ perspectives, Neiman said he feels this type of event is especially helpful in speaking to younger students.

“It’s very helpful to be able talk to students who live in the residence halls. This is a great way for us to meet our younger constituents,” he said.

Santa Rosa Hall Council President and undeclared major Leonel Santiago said he came to the event to learn more about A.S. and inspire other residents to attend.

“If residents see that I’m here, they may want to know why I’m here and what the event is for,” Santiago said.

The A.S. Senate meets every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Flying A Room of the University Center. The meeting is open for students to come and speak, and they can also place items on the A.S. Senate agenda by emailing before 11 a.m. on the Tuesday before the meeting.

A version of this article appeared on page 3 of November 19th’s print edition of the Daily Nexus.
