Several construction projects in UCSB’s Long Range Development Plan will come to fruition over the upcoming months, including additional dormitory housing and the completion of a youth education building.
The LRDP guides campus expansion through 2025 and currently has three housing facilities in various phases of development: San Joaquin Village, Sierra Madre Village and a new visitor housing complex for the Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics. The Ocean Science Education Building, scheduled for completion by this summer, will house an outreach program for K-12 students and offices for Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary.
Associate Director of Design and Construction Services Paul Gawronik said projects that would potentially interfere with students’ daily routines will be postponed until summer.
“There won’t be any additional construction started this school year that will impact students in terms of buildings and pathways being blocked off,” Gawronik said. “Davidson isn’t scheduled to start until after this school year.”
The major Davidson Library renovation includes a three-story addition at the complex’s north end, seismic strengthening and a fire suppression system.
Senior Associate Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services and Campus Architect Marc Fisher said the library’s East side will close down during the construction of a new entrance.
“This project will have the largest impact for all of us as it is in the center of campus,” Fisher said. “Possible alternative accommodations for the 24-hour reading room are being considered, including the use of spaces within the UCen.”
Fisher said designs for a Bioengineering Building at Davidson’s Southeast corner are near completion. However, the project is on hold pending state funding, according to Fisher.
According to Fisher, San Joaquin Village will create about 1,000 spots for returning students adjacent to Santa Catalina.
“This project is in the massing and programming phase of design, and will primarily be for sophomores,” Fisher said. “A number of students are actively engaged in the design process; this promises to be a very exciting project for the campus.”
Sierra Madre Village, financed and managed by real estate company Towbes Group, will be located on Storke Road and aims to add 151 student, faculty and staff apartments.
The Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics is also developing a 41-unit apartment complex along El Colegio Road, west of the San Clemente graduate student housing, for visiting scholars and their families.
According to Fisher, the first phase of the Arts Building seismic strengthening project has been successfully completed.
“This project provides seismic structural upgrades as well as improvements to the infrastructure and finishes of the building. The renewed spaces in the building are spectacular,” Fisher said. “The second phase is currently underway and should be completed in the spring of 2013.”
Additionally, a new fire sprinkler system is scheduled for installation in Santa Rosa Hall this summer.