The Associated Students Legislative Council met last night in the Flying A Studio room of the UCen but, as of press time, had yet to reach decisions on its scheduled discussion about several orders of business.
The council considered bills to restructure the A.S. President’s office, hold representatives’ office hours off campus and change the A.S. Food Bank’s status in the Legal Code.
During the public forum, Michael Schirtzer, a fourth-year history major, spoke on behalf of the Occupy Isla Vista movement about the ongoing Occupy Wall Street movement that has expanded across multiple countries. Shirzter said council members should contribute to the demonstration’s local chapters.
“History will remember this movement. I have one question to ask this council, what role will you play?” Schirtzer asked.
The council contended over approving last week’s minutes due to its documentation of Marlene Moreno’s resignation.
During the public forum, Moreno, who is seeking reinstatement, said she has adjusted her schedule to fulfill her previous Legislative Council duties.
“I feel revitalized as a student,” Moreno said. “I’ve learned a lot in the past two weeks that I want to share with you all and I’ve reorganized my schedule to fit in more things.”
The council eventually rescinded last week’s vote to accept Moreno’s resignation.
Representatives also discussed Campus Democrats’ request for $725 to bring five additional members to a student voter convention in Lake Tahoe.
Off-Campus Representative Sawyeh Maghsoodloo’s proxy Steven Begakis encouraged the council to fully fund the request. However, the council tabled the agenda item until next week’s meeting because of confusion regarding where the funds would be allocated from.