The 20th annual UCSB Reel Loud film festival will feature a series of student-made movies at 8 p.m. tonight in Campbell Hall.

The event will open at 6 p.m. with local art displays and live musical performances from UCSB students and will feature 15 silent films judged based on their aesthetic significance and entertainment value. Tickets are $10 pre-sale at the A.S. box office and $12 at the door.

According to Reel Loud Director Nadia Ismail, a fourth-year English and film and media studies major, the festival requires filmmakers to record their movies on 16mm film rather than with more commonly used digital mediums.

“[What makes Reel Loud] most unique is that the films use 16mm film, which is a tradition of cinema which is now becoming obsolete because of new technologies,” Ismail said.

Ismail said the festival’s organizers collaborated to create an atmosphere that will enhance attendees’ experience.

“There was a lot of creative energy to conceptualize the theme,” Ismail said. “There are details like the set up outside, what I want to feel when I walk in — concepts and aesthetics surrounding the film festival.”

Fifth-year film and media studies major Kathy Trinh, writer and director of “When We Were Young,” said the film requirement provides a unique challenge during the editing process.

“I was the only one who broke down in the editing room crying — it’s so tedious,” Trinh said. “People don’t realize that you’re not filming on digital cameras. You have to edit it physically, cutting and taping it then putting it in the reel. If you fuck it up when cutting, you’ve fucked up your entire film.”

Fourth-year film and media studies major Eva Miller, producer and editor of “When We Were Young,” said the 16mm medium demanded precise cinematography.

“It’s really difficult and more unforgiving,” Miller said. “What you shoot is what you get … we were literally at school in the editing room for 36 hours straight.”

Additionally, Ismail said the films — including “California!” and “Bicycle Day” — are the culmination of the students’ tireless dedication over the past several weeks.

“So much work and dedication and passion goes into these films,” Ismail said. “There’s a lot that goes into it in terms of money, conceptualizing and driving back and forth from L.A. to get the film developed.”

Miller said the festival reflects the passion and work each group put into their respective projects.

“I know how hard everyone worked,” Miller said. “I’m excited to see [our movie] projected on the big screen with dancers on stage and live music. It’ll be really cool to complete the show and event.”
