I’ve been involved in Associated Students for about four years now, probably one of the few that can recall the Ariel-like hair from our 2007-08 president, Stephanie Brower. Back when we didn’t have to take a TPS course to drive university vehicles and honorarium was pretty much non-existent. Point being, I have been part of the elections process for the past four years.
For the past four years I have witnessed Open People’s Party reign, and every year, except for this one, they have gotten away with illegal campaign tactics during elections. My first year, they were endorsed by the Rec Cen newsletter, a student fee publication that is supposed to remain neutral, because the editors were running with OPP. Although 5,000 newsletters were distributed all across campus and the entire OPP slate was endorsed, only the editors were disqualified. That year, OPP also stood outside Sam’s To Go and solicited students to vote by purchasing them whole sandwiches. That tactic was carried over to my second year as well. For my third year, from what I know, two major things happened. The External Vice President of Local Affairs candidate running with OPP committed fraud by using the Associated Students name for her party’s political gain during elections. She applied for a permit for a road closure using Associated Students’ name to close down Pardall Road, making it so that OPP would be the only party permitted to table during the week of voting, excluding DPP and B.O.S.S. In addition, OPP’s presidential candidate at that time was caught furnishing alcohol to minors during an elections-related party. The last time I checked, offering to get a minor drunk in exchange for votes wasn’t exactly legal.
Now this year, OPP was caught once again, engaging in illegal campaign tactics in order to get themselves elected. And no, Chloe Styker, only because you and your party have been able to get away with it these past years does not make it all right. Political parties at other campuses such as UCSD and UCB have had their entire slates disqualified for half of the infractions that OPP members have committed.
What they did is illegal, and yes, I know that shady things happen every election season, but OPP was caught and rather than tainting the Association’s name by refusing to give up their seats, they should grow up and deal with the consequences of their actions. I’m upset that these elected officials are receiving thousands of dollars from student fees even after they were caught engaging in illicit behavior. Next time my bank account runs low, I’ll make a note to run for student government and furnish alcohol to minors, because apparently that’s the best way to get elected, knowing that even if I were to get caught by elections committee, I would still receive complete honoraria. I’m mostly referring to the thousands of dollars that the executive officials receive. The executives not only receive $400 every quarter for holding their position, but they also get their tuition paid for. Four executive members out of five were in violation of the elections legal code, yet all of them are still receiving full honorarium, meaning about $44,800 of student fees are being spent on people that got themselves elected by breaking the California State Law. And no, Ahmed Mostafa, I have no sympathy nor will I hesitate to pass judgment on elected officials that receive thousands of dollars from student fees — my student fees. If they are not willing to resign they should have the decency to give up their honoraria, however they are reaping the financial benefits of office and still have the audacity to challenge their 45 hours of community service.
Yes I’m upset. As a graduating senior with over thirty thousand dollars in debt, I’m very upset and demand justice.
David Preciado is a fourth-year Chican@ studies and sociology major.
Hmmmmm, The students dont like what we stand for, thought we were less qualified and didnt vote for us. Damn Them to Hell! Lets just disqualify the kids they did vote for, call it democracy/justice and take over those high paying executive positions for ourselves! Muahahahhahahahahaha!
What I think people need to understand is this disqualification stuff, is really all politics. It happens at every campus, every year- really without exception. The kids that lost, get bitter and try to take power any way they can. My view is that the students at UCSB are smart- they vote who they vote for because they believe in said person. To ignore the will of hundreds of students and call for disqualification based on a very minor violation is strait up corrupt, a violation of democracy. A few years back, the UCI president was disqualified for borrowing some… Read more »
This isn’t about the kids who lost getting bitter and trying to take power. David Preciado was not even a candidate during these past elections so that obviously is not his agenda in writing this article. He wants to bring light to a recurring issue on our campus with OPP. The isn’t a corrupt “violation of democracy” by stating the truth and sharing what happened. The violation of democracy is what OPP has continued to practice for years. They are the ones who have perpetuated a system that undermines democracy through bribery, voter fraud, and blatantly unethical and ILLEGAL actions.… Read more »
Whether it is illegal or not is YET to be determined. We do not know if they actually provided alch or not. And why is DP not getting any shit? I was there for their party when OPP was giving out water bottles that night. People just don’t care “Marge.” People who are so offended by this are all in AS and actual students don’t give an F about this. So why not be a good student and stop complaining and yapping so much about what ALL other parties do. If you know what OPP did was illegal, I demand… Read more »
There was no alcohol at that party.. I wasn’t able to go, but I know for a fact that they made sure people didn’t bring alcohol. People showing up drunk is not the same thing…just saying “student”.. and even so, having a party with alcohol doesn’t event come close to saying, go vote and I’ll give you a jello shot (whether there was alcohol in the jello shot or not
Yeah and I am supposed to take your word for it because you weren’t there. Is this how things are going? Bringing up claims without even being probable in cause? Like yourself? You said it. You were not there. I was. So STFU. “You’re a dumbass.”
I was there and there was no alcohol, so stfu.
I was there and there was alcohol, so Stfu.
Excuse me but if I remember correctly, weren’t you serving alcohol (in a school girl outfit I might add) at one of your parties earlier in the year? (just to focus on the bolded ILLEGAL part) So you of all people should not be talking about “ILLEGAL actions” And this sending a message crap is stupid. Had it not been for the fact that one of friends ran, i wouldn’t have even known wtf AS is so there’s no way to send a message if no one reads it (Knows what the fuck AS is)and that much is true at… Read more »
Newsflash! Not everyone is as ignorant, apathetic and uneducated as you. Kudos to you for having a friend who ran and finally deciding to be somewhat of an involved member of your community, but for the rest of the UCSB population who knows what AS is and knows who they want elected for legitimate reasons, they are still receiving that message.
The rest = those who are involved an the friends of those involved. They are receive that message then they are dumb for not understanding that it’s not all AS. In fact people don’t even think that AS is sending that message. That’s the problem with all of you silly political fanatics. You think everything someone does sends a message. Well get this message; It’s not sending a message that people are worried about, It’s their own party’s future. Everyone sees this as the victims (sore losers) trying to complain their way into positions. Oh the next time you call… Read more »
I would love to have a discussion with you in person if you would actually have the balls to say your real name, especially since I will stand by the fact that you are uneducated since you still think that the only people who care about AS are the people who are involved or friends with people who are involved. All actions send out a message whether you choose to accept it or not.
I find this article laughable as well as hypocritical. Having been involved in elections as well, it is safe to say that ALL parties furnished alcohol to minors. It was common practice. I know for a fact that DP party furnished alcohol to minors this year. Also, how is giving away sandwiches any different from DP Party giving away shirts or other goods in exchange for votes. You are highly misrepresenting the pardall road closure. That EVPLA had a close relationship with the county and and used it to her advantage. Maybe if the president of Boss that year didn’t… Read more »
David hasn’t run for AS elections for 2 years, did not call out the person he ran against, has no ties to DP Party, and the thinly veiled threat at the bottom is uncalled for. Why don’t you write your own name and stand behind your claims? And as someone who has worked in the EVPLA office two years and saw the letter to the businesses asking them to shut down the street that the candidate wrote and signed as “AS” I would argue that you are sorely misinformed. A candidate can use their personal connections to the county all… Read more »
Cheers to Jaret. Couldn’t have sait it better myself. To whoever this “Former AS Member” is, you are misinformed. Plain and simple.
You say David is not involved with DP, when clearly a lot of people saw him wearing those DP tanks during elections. You’re claims that he does not have an agenda or that he is “thinly veiled” is by far not true.
As for the Pardall bs, go check the facts first. If you know anything about the real deal, then this shit shouldn’t even have came up.
What I refer this as is playing smart and fair. Don’t like it? Bear with it. Don’t just call something you don’t like illegal.
There’s a difference between campaign “swag” like shirts and whatever else you like, which EVERY party does, and telling people vote for me and I’ll give you a sandwich/shot/jello
David you say you were part of the elctions process yet were you actually part of the committee that decides thongs?
you’re question is very vague. no one in AS officially works with “thongs” but, pretty much every single person in AS is part of a committee that decides things.
What BCC is David in? Not elections Committee. Also if he were to have a say in to what the elections were then elections process is DAMN rigged. Also, there is a reason to why the internet has the power of “anonymity.” So people don’t openly bash like what you did. Just saying
or because some people don’t have the balls to put their name behind their words. Just saying.
and what is the point of putting names? It really doesn’t matter. What matters is that people in AS are wasting their time over something like this and not getting actual stuff done. No wonder why students don’t know what is happening in AS. Thank you to whomever brought this all up in the first place. We finally all found out that AS is just a mega-drama house.
STFU! You been running your mouth too. Hurry and leave to Ghana or wherever. No one cares about what you have to say. You’re Paul’s lackey.
Marge is Paul’s chief of staff, but you realize being chief of staff doesn’t mean that they are coming from the same point of view… From what I know at least two current execs (OPP) have approached people from DPP to be their chief’s of staff. That don’t mean nothing but the fact that the execs think these folks are qualified for the position
Who did I bash? This whole thread is full of people bashing each other based on fucking elections. Do y’all realize that elections won’t matter by the end of this quarter. AS folks do so much fucking hard work all year long, and its all being tarnished by these conversations. Whether people step down step up or don’t move at all, the work that needs to get done with get done by the people that want to do it. I’m just disillusioned at the fact that people are using these Nexus articles to talk all this shit, act unbiased, and… Read more »
Hahahahaha who brings Thongs to a political issue?
Just several things I would like to point out: 1. David Preciado, you speak basically of accountability and professionalism, yet you as an RA, criticizing individuals like your statements above, now that is what I call not doing your job very well. Look, just cause you are graduating does not equal, you get to say whatever you want cause I ain’t getting sh*t. 2. Whether they served alcohol or not is yet to be determined. I think a lot of people who are for the DQ of these people fail to recall this part. One side says that there were… Read more »
It is perfectly within David’s right to call people out. Both of the individuals which David has named have submitted public statements and as such they are subject to dissection or for commentary.In addition all too often we are forced to not say what is on our mind, I think David is saying what a lot of people have been thinking and it is reflective of many opinions on our campus regardless of whether or not it is stated in way that is palatable for you. Lastly, David is in his right to submit an article like this, he has… Read more »
So, the fact that David does not practice what he wants AS to practice is totally under his discretion? True, but hypocritical and more of a reason to why his claims are boundlessly incomprehensible.
I think we must distinguish between those with institutional powers and those who are constituents like David.I also fail to see what David is “practicing”.
Damn. This Student already did my job.
I think everyone is confusing David with Joel (who ran and lost and is on comm on comm).
First of all, David, thanks for your insight.
Second of all, can people STOP using stupid phrases as their names. If you want to be throwing shit around, at least own up to your words, don’t use the internet’s power of anonymity as a disguise. No matter what your “name” is and how unbiased your “name” claims you to be, it is obvious what affiliations you have, so stfu and own up to your words.
Thank you!
This isn’t “insight”- It’s one angry ass individual who has decided to spin his opinions as truth. Please
This article is almost laughable. First, I have NO RESPECT for DP party for being such sore losers. If you have to get into office by making up stories, not checking the facts and pushing others out of office, that is ridiculous. Second, the EVPLA this year should not even be mentioned in this. Again, learn your facts before you start talking shit. Third, DP party and YOU always talk about how you are judged and misrepresented….funny how quick you are to judge others. Doesnt seem very “Democratic” to me. Fourth, I witnessed with my own eyes other parties (cough…DP)… Read more »
i’m just wondering where in this article is saying anything about dp party, aside from it accurately saying the opp evpla candidate made it impossible for dp party & boss candidates to table on pardall during elections last year… please adress that, ‘student’. Thanks. :)
Well, in my opinion, if the other parties were running qualified candidates then they would have know how to close Pardall down before anyone else did. Sorry bout it! It’s called politics for a reason- learn how to play!
And what about they fact that Q-Comm only endorsed DP party candidates? Is that fair? Or that the former DP party president was allowed to sit in on every election committee meeting
I want to adress a couple of things in regards to this comment. First of all, please take a step back to acknowledge your PRIVILEGE, there is a difference between QComm and QSU, just cause we are queer serving organizations does not mean we are one. and that goes for everyone who is always doing this shit. Second of all, I was the co-chair of QSU during these past elections, and was part of the endorsement process for the organization. And I am going to give you exactly what QSU did to make this endorsement completely fair. A)There was a… Read more »
David has never ran with DP Party, nor is his voice here speak for the group. More importantly, why are you bringing DP up in this? David isn’t part of DP, the Nexus isn’t DP, and Elections committee isn’t DP. Why are you bringing it into this? Certain people in OPP fucked up, and got called out on it by elections committee. OPP’s execs failed twice at bringing up an appeal. Is that DP’s fault? No. So why are you attacking the group? I don’t know who you are M. You might have been running, you might not have. But… Read more »
Jaret you have been talking ALOT of shit on OPP. Let talk about their victim politics policy. Let’s talk about how you ALL way have something to say, but when you see these individual, you never say it to their face. Don’t run your mouth. Take action. Tell these “Certain people” instead of leaving here spewing OPP hate. You say actions have consequences in the real world. Well get this. In Africa, if you speak ill of another, they cut your tongue out. In Russia, if you speak ill about another person, they beat you. In the Punjab of India,… Read more »
I take it that you, Tired of You, are not here in America talking shit while hiding behind a computer screen and using a fake name..
You poor girl. I could same the same to you. Here why don’t you put your FULL name >;)
Not from America? Are you? You name (“Anne”) is English in origin. Yet it romanticized from Anna. Anne meaning royalty. But that “royalty” stems from Russia. There was also a derivation of Anne via Anna in Spain. It would also be romanticized into Annias. Also used for royalty. However the most common it became, the less value it had… So where are you from?
Okay, what does my place of origin have to do with this conversation? And I have no problem with saying that my full name is Anne Sawiris.
All I did was stand up for someone who I don’t believe deserved the above comment.
That’s more like it >:D So Mrs. Anne you ask what does your place of origin have to do with this conversation. To answer your Question, you said “are not here in America” so I reference your statement while addressing the fact that you claimed that I saw talking shit behind screen and a fake name. Here I will tell you my name. The. Onion. Happy? :) If I was talking shit, then please explain the “shit” Jaret was spewing? Please I implore you to explain. I. IMPLORE. you. to. explain. PLEASE. It’s the same with all you sore losers.… Read more »
I am going to leave this post after I say a couple of things. First, that America comment was in response to something someone wrote before me. Secondly, if you knew me at all, you would know that I am not sore about losing and I am very happy with the people that won for the position for which I ran. Thirdly, whoever you are, you’re ridiculous.
IDK if Jaret speaks a lot of shit or not. He may be an ass that won’t say shit to people’s faces (you really should dude. come on, its not that hard.) but you really shouldn’t be talking about hiding behind a computer screen cause you’re hiding behind a fake name
I told you my name. The Onion. Here do you also want my middle name? It’s space bar
Tired of you, I could care less what you think of me. I assume that you work, or used to work, in AS to some degree. That’s cute. Spewing OPP hate? How was I spewing hate against OPP by saying DP didn’t have anything to do with them getting caught up in their mess. Should I talk shit in person to the 4 people who got disqualified, or the other 4 leg council members who aren’t getting honoraria this year? I don’t think it’s even worth my time. They already know full well they messed up. The 5 non-partisan voting… Read more »
Your status have been claiming the doom of AS since the OPP Sweep. Just because you worked with Ahmed doesn’t mean shit. I have brothers in my frat I don’t respect and that doesn’t mean that I like them. No one messed up. You like many others (Including those who lied on them and elections committee) are just accusing them of something with no Physical proof. “Certain people in OPP fucked up, and got called out on it by elections committee. OPP’s execs failed twice at bringing up an appeal” This isn’t an example of OPP hate? But it’s ok.… Read more »
Damn. You real mad huh? Don’t act on empty words. If you think was a mishaps, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
I understand wanting to blame certain people for accusations. But it is unfair to tear specific people down without knowing the full story, and then getting so heated about a tactic that everyone uses. I have personally been to parties thrown by DP party the last two years where alcohol was given to minors (I was a minor and I was given alcohol). Maybe I should’ve submitted a complaint and they would’ve been given the same punishment (highly unlikely). I don’t think soliciting votes is appropriate in exchange for alcohol, but from my understanding and based on what they are… Read more »
This was clearly written by Cori Lantz or someone in the EVPLA office…
The real story is that before could actually use A.S.’s name to reserve Pardall, she was caught… Had she not been caught, she would have followed through with the actions.
I can understand the fact that people are confused about the Pardall Closure, there were never any public statements made about what happened last year. That is in large part due to the fact that we are told that everything must remain confidential. Now that it is over a year later, and that I am no longer in office, I would like to publicly address these concerns and give my side of the story. It is my personal belief that by being forced to not address these types of accusations and statements, only makes these situations worse. I moved passed… Read more »
good explanation. But I stopped caring halfway through. Look if you think you were fairly dealt with then that’s great. But you don’t have to explain it to these people. They are just on a rampage. But as “The Onion” I feel I must keep it equal and tell you something. OPP has an elder system yes? Well those elders (you included) better check on your “Legacy” because this is looking bad on OPP, AS, and sadly them as individuals. But I do applaud your statement.
nice essay cori lantz, but there is a serious flaw in your thesis, I would consider revising by putting “I should have been DISQUALIFIED!”
OPP, you’re fucking out! HAHAHAHA
Kenny you’re a jealous prick! HAHAHAHA
All involved better step down or be prepared to answer to the student body. I’m pretty fucking angry that this is allowed in my school, I saw you break the rules first hand in previous years, it is people like you that make UCSB look bad, immature and unprofessional. Stop fucking with my money, you don’t deserve to represent me. All AS people are full of it, this is why I don’t want to get involved in your thieving, cheating, dishonest, superficial “association”. Step down!!!!!!
Drinking happens anyways. Why not consume it during the most stressful time of the year? Is jello shots not the same as shirts in terms of “Bribery” they have the same intended effect.
it works like this; “Regular” people want free shirts. Greeks want shots. We (as reps) give them what they want.
But if my sources are correct, there was no alcohol so….
Go in there with pitchforks and demand their resignation! War paint???? ATTACK!!!!!
I like Warpaint. Good band,
Enough is enough, since people seem to think that elections committee is biased in making decisions I am making sure that an independent source has a thorough investigation of all this mess. And since people from OPP say they did not use alcohol I’m sure they won’t mind the fact that tomorrow I will informing the police and asking for an investigation on this matter.
Oh joy! Make things SO much worst. Here while you’re at it, ask them to investigate Frats and Sorors for their TGs :D
Oh God Please do!!!!!!! Please call the police!!!!! That will teach them!
TL;DR: We lost the election. We’re still really bitter. We did really well last year. But this year we dropped the ball hard. Let’s see how far we can get if we keep complaining.
Lmao! Yay Victim politics!!! :D
Yep, exactly the futile platform that DPP and their predecessors Student Voice have used all these years in hopes to gain votes snd followers.
People are poppin’ off and it ain’t friendly (leg reference). David said what he had to say if you disagree that’s fine. If you agree, more power to you. But please be respectful of others. Please don’t call out whole groups like OPP or DP. Don’t claim “facts” without having visible proof like an actual jello shot from that night or you were one of the people who had a jello shot or passed out a jello shot. Sarcasm and satire (The Onion I felt you on the first two but after that, you lost your DAMN MIND) are just… Read more »
Why do we even have a student government? All we need is an organization that delegates funds to clubs and other organizations on campus… Who decided that members of AS executive board get their tuition paid for? Members of AS? This is stupid. AS is corrupt. Who gives a fk about student government? If we (the students) were able to vote to disband AS, and temporarily (or permanently) have faculty delegate funds until a new organization is created (where people aren’t paid to be members and would have no other powers)… I’m sure the only people voting against disbanding AS… Read more »
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