Researchers in France have discovered that resveratrol and polyphenols — two organic compounds commonly found in grapes — may aid in the prevention of type II diabetes.
The study was featured in the British Journal of Nutrition and suggests that these antioxidants help reduce the buildup of fat in muscle tissues.
Type II diabetes, a chronic disease characterized by excessive levels of blood sugar (glucose), is caused by the body developing a resistance to its own insulin. As insulin resistance builds, greater amounts are needed to sustain healthy body functions.
The experiment separated rats into three groups: one control group and two groups with high-fat, high-sugar diets. One of the high-fat, high-sugar diet groups received grape polyphenol supplementation. This group had lower triglyceride levels in comparison to the high-sugar, high-fat group. The study showed that polyphenols found in grapes decreased the accumulation of fat cells in the rats.
In a separate study conducted by the University of Pecs in Hungary, people with type II diabetes received a concentrated solution of resveratrol or a placebo over the course of four weeks. Those who received the antioxidant supplement daily were more insulin-sensitive at the end of the experiment.
“The present study shows for the first time that resveratrol improves insulin sensitivity in humans, which might be due to a resveratrol-induced decrease in oxidative stress that leads to more efficient insulin signaling,” researchers said.
Over the past few decades, studies have indicated that resveratrol may prevent cancer cell growth. A study in The Journal of Biological Chemistry also suggested the antioxidant reduces the production of a protein associated to Alzheimer’s disease and may halt the disease’s progression if consumed in proper amounts. However, scientists from the Litwin-Zucker Research Center who conducted the study conceded that the advised amount of resveratrol necessary to benefit from the antioxidant’s effects would be difficult to consume solely through a healthy diet.
“Maybe if you drink wine for 20 years, you may have a beneficial effect,” researcher Phillippe Marambaud said.
Nonetheless, current findings suggest further research should be conducted in order to determine how to create an effective reservatrol supplement.
Although these studies provide compelling evidence for the health benefits of reservatrol and polyphenol found predominantly in grapes, I would not advise the excessive consumption of wine, especially as your new health and wellness columnist. But for all you dedicated winos out there, keep striving for that 20-year mark where your boozy ways may one day be considered the standard for a healthy life. Regardless, cheers!
There have been many other studies showing the effectiveness of resveratrol and they have used biotivia transmax as the resveratrol supplement which is potent enough to be effective. Transmax was selected by Men’s Health Magazine as best resveratrol supplement. You can not get enough resveratrol by eating grapes or drinking wine.
Resveratrol also helps you lose weight and improves memory and sleep.
We now have several studies indicating that resveratrol may be preferable to drugs like Metformin. The Albert Einstein Institute’s Diabetic Clinical Trials Unit presented the results of a promising study on the correlation between regular consumption of a resveratrol supplement and the health of patients with Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT), better known as Type 2 Diabetes. The pilot study, titled “Resveratrol Improves Glucose Metabolism in Older Adults with IGT”, involved a small group of diabetic adults who were given the resveratrol supplement Transmax, produced by nutraceutical company Biotivia LLC, on a daily basis over the course of four weeks. Data… Read more »
While I completely agree with your findings Dr. Simms, I’d like to point out a passage I found on Linus Pauling Institute’s website:
“Although resveratrol can inhibit the growth of cancer cells in culture and in some animal models, it is not known whether high intakes of resveratrol can prevent cancer in humans.”
Several studies I looked into did portray a correlation but there were also some that were inconclusive in their findings in delineating a compelling connection between resveratrol intake and a positive effect on the body.