Associated Students Legislative Council discussed next year’s Finance Board budget during last night’s four-hour meeting.
The Board cut its 2011-12 budget by $271,000, reducing funding for campus organizations for the upcoming school year. The council also voted down a resolution condemning a racially themed party organized by a UC Irvine fraternity last November.
Finance Board chair Katie Lieberknecht said the board slashed next year’s budget from $672,496 to $400,695 in order to accommodate three new advisors and one part-time position.
According to Lieberknecht, if every Boards, Committees and Commissions’ budget was fully allocated next year, finance board would be left with a $300,000 deficit in its unallocated fund.
“It’s not that A.S. does not have money — because it does — but we need to account for the growth of positions because we are still receiving the same amount of money,” Lieberknecht said.
Lieberknecht said the budget should signify the association’s priorities.
“Cuts are inevitable at every level of the budget process,” Lieberknecht said. “We had to make cuts, the president is going to have to make cuts and [Leg Council] is going to have to make cuts.”
The budget is currently under review by A.S. President Paul Monge-Rodriguez and will be made public within the next few weeks.
Additionally, Lieberknecht said BCCs have been breaking the A.S. Constitution by funding Office of Student Life groups’ travel expenses and over $500 for food without administering one-time exceptions.
“When BCCs are funding OSL groups there is a lot of policy-breaking and it’s usually not caught until it gets to admin and it’s already passed through minutes and Leg Council,” Lieberknecht said.
Alfredo Del Cid, university-owned housing representative, suggested developing a uniform process for requesting finances.
“I think it would help if there was a streamlined process for funding,” Del Cid said. “I’ve been to multiple committee meetings and some have you give a form to the treasurer and some just bring it up in meetings.”
The council decided not to condemn the actions of Irvine’s Phi Kappa Psi that held a Pilgrims and Indians -themed party last year.
Del Cid, who authored the resolution, said the UCI administration still hasn’t taken action against the frat.
“This is not an attack on the fraternity, but on the action,” Del Cid said. “We’re not telling them what to do, but that we stand in solidarity.”
However, Yeni Nguyen, off-campus representative, said the council has no reason to target this specific party.
After the resolution failed, Off-Campus Representative Amanda Berry said future resolutions should address all parties of this nature.
“If we’re going to take a stand on this, then take a stand and make it general that ‘We don’t support any parties that do this’ instead of ‘We don’t support this particular party that had this specific theme,’” Berry said.