Sarah Palin abused her right of free speech! She published a large U.S. map on the internet that targeted Tucson, Arizona, with a rifle cross-hair site and a circular target on the face of Congresswoman “Gabby” Giffords, who was later shot in the head in Tucson. The killer shot nine people, including a popular Federal U.S. District Judge, a very bright nine-year-old girl and wounded 12 others, using a Glock pistol with 31 rounds instead of the usual 10.
There are thousands of paranoid people in this country who, seeking Sarah Palin’s target map, could take it as a green light to shoot those pictured.
The shooter in Tucson is paranoid and mentally ill. He is living in a dream world. It is reported that his favorite book is Mein Kampf by Adolph Hitler, who within it, outlined his plan to exterminate all of the German Jews (Congresswoman “Gabby” Giffords is Jewish.)
I saw Sarah Palin trying to explain the murders suggested by her target map. She babbled on about being “picked on” by her detractors referring to this as “blood guilt.” This is a gross misuse of the term, which referred to the medieval persecution of the Jewish people by irate Christians who claimed the Jews used “white children’s” blood for their Jewish ceremonies.
Shame on you Sarah Palin for equating your personal slights to the killing of thousands of Jews in medieval attacks.
Despite what President Obama said about “maintaining civility,” in the memorial service at the University of Arizona, I personally feel that Sarah Palin owes the people of Tucson, the State of Arizona and the whole country an apology for running that cross-hair and target map on the internet in the first place.
And don’t give us anymore of your “lock and load” rhetoric — that is, unless you want another Tucson.
I bet you all are just thrilled to death with the Arizona shooting just to gain more ammunition, oh excuse my term “AMMUNITION” to further attack Sarah Palin.
First off we don’t need any ammo to speak out avaunt Palin, she is an endless pit of stupid. She actually used a term that probably the most painful and hateful anti-semetic term : “blood libel”. To equate her personal feelings of accusation. She basically said that what she is going through is the same as all the persecutions and pain that the Jews have been exposed to through out history. I guess Bristol being voted off Dancing with the Stars would be like being marched on the Trail If Tears. Also furthermore, the all knowing Palin while addressing people… Read more »
What a wicked person you are Bradley Currey. Shame on you, you misinformed loser. The shooter had no connection to Sarah Palin, her blog, or even any conservative talk radio personalities. His own friends said if anything he was a pot smoking, God hating liberal. You know like you? What you are doing here is blood libel. Putting the blame for murder on an innocent person, a mother of five, a wife and women who has given herself to serve her country. Get a life. People like you are the real danger, that you without any conscience, would just lay… Read more »
The public is finally coming around to seeing the true Sarah Palin. Instead of smiling and nodding while talking about murders and national tragedies, she should have shown some humility. I was compelled to create a visual commentary of her political rhetoric and its effects on my artist’s blog at Drop by and let me know what you think.
Palin is indeed a domestic terrorist…This dumb ass stupid broad does not even belong in todays politics…All she knows how to do is to knock the Obamas. I hope the media finally gets the picture and stops giving her so much air time. The Tucson murders are directly linked to this dumb jerk.
She should move to Iran and keep her big mouth shut before someone else gets shot.
I feel so bad for some of the people who write what they consider to be political editorials. May God Bless you and may he take your painful hatred away. Sarah Palin and her crosshairs had nothing to do with the shooting in Arizona. Watch the show Ax Men, as they travel from one group to another you will see a map with the same crosshairs. go into any boardroom in America during a presentation and you will see the same crosshairs used to target their possitives and negatives. All the liberal media use to use the crosshairs too. As… Read more »