The Associated Students Finance Board allotted $18,727 to 14 student groups at last night’s meeting.
The board fully funded the Alcohol & Drug Program Outreach Interns, Raagmala, Muslim Student Association and the A.S. President’s Budget, while partially funding Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc., Phi Alpha Delta, Rhythms of Brazil, El Congresso, CalPIRG, Poetry/Poetics Hub, India Association and Society for Accessible and Safe Spaces. Additionally, the board voted to partially subsidize Delta Delta Delta and Language, Interaction and Social Organization out of the winter and spring budgets, respectively.
Phi Alpha Delta — one the sororities that presented last night — sought funding for a panel discussion and student mixer for undergraduates seeking a career in the legal profession.
Treasurer April Yeats, a second-year philosophy major, said the event allows students to explore jobs available in the field.
“A lot of the Career Services options for students are how to get into law school,” Yeats said. “This would give students an opportunity to know about what happens after you get in.”
However, board member Raul Martinez said the organization’s request was too immense.
“I just think that $2,000 is too much for food,” Martinez said. “I think this is a great event, but it is a lot for food.”
Board member Katie Lieberknecht, on the other hand, said the group showed diligence in negotiating a food budget with UCen catering.
After a lengthy debate, the board eventually funded Phi Alpha Delta $2,508.
Furthermore, Zeta Phi Beta asked the board to support a philanthropy event at the UCen Hub.
Board member James Hawkins said the group was “double dipping” by both seeking funding from the board and charging students entry.
“I’m hesitant to fund events that charge,” Hawkins said. “I feel like we discussed this last year because we are already putting up student fees and then they are getting charged to get in. I don’t know how I feel about that.”
Despite Hawkins’ concerns, the board voted to partially fund the event $1,120.
Although the conclusion of last night’s meeting left $43,754 in this quarter’s unallocated budget, this sum — like every week’s calculation — is subject to fluctuation. The unallocated budget often doesn’t include funds that are returned to the board when organizations are unable to spend the full amount of their requests.
Additionally, A.S. Legislative Council has the power to re-open the board’s minutes and allocate requests the board might have rejected. Because the budget is constantly adjusted in small increments, the unallocated sum reported by the board every Monday is subject to change throughout the week.