Gubernatorial candidate and Attorney General of California Jerry Brown spoke about a number of issues — including increased funding for higher education — during his first major university campaign stop yesterday at UCSB.
Campus Democrats sponsored the event, which marked Brown’s first campaign speech in a series that will be delivered to universities across California. Brown discussed a variety of issues ranging from strengthening environmental policies to prison system reforms.
Current Attorney General of California and gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown speaks at UCSB on Monday at his first major university campaign stop. Brown’s speech covered topics from the environment to restructuring university finances.[/media-credit]
“Student fees have gone up to replace state money that, instead of going back into the universities, is going into prisons,” Brown said. “And the state prison system is very inefficient. About 25 percent of the people detained end up returning.”
Brown discussed how financial problems facing the state have intensified and can only be remedied through collaboration between the community and state.
“We’re all in this together,” Brown said. “We have to make criminal law work, support the university and fight fee increases.”
Furthermore, yesterday’s speech addressed climate concerns and the neglect of late political leaders in handling environmental threats.
“The evidence [for global warming] has never been stronger,” Brown said. “If we keep putting carbon in our environment, we’ll be living in a very different world.”
Brown also said California needs a new leader who can prioritize environmental efforts.
“We’re the state of innovation,” Brown said. “We can’t keep moving in the same direction. We need a different transit system, fuel system and building standards.”
Brown criticized his Republican rivals Meg Whitman and Steve Poizner for lacking foresight in their political campaigns.
“The others are just thinking about the short-term [issues],” Brown said. “But it’s important to think about the long term and the long term is investment in schools, the environment and working families.”
Jake Kubrin, a fourth-year history major, said he appreciated hearing Brown speak about the merits of public education.
“I had an idea of who I was [originally] going to support in the race for governor,” Kubrin said. “But listening to him today and hearing the issues he is passionate about helps to confirm my vote for him.”
Additionally, Ian Blue, communications director of Campus Democrats, said he thinks the rally successfully garnered student votes for Brown.
“I think that he addressed the kinds of issues that students at UCSB really care about,” Blue said. “He talked about environmental sustainability and, most importantly, funding for the UC.”
The man is a classic career politician. Of course he knows what you want to hear! Please don’t make a mistake on Jerry Brown, California!!
Of course I knew what I wanted him to say, and feel good about him running as a classic career politician against the others. Thank you Jerry for coming, sorry about the low head count it was like 59 degrees outside (really cold for SB). So, yeah California: vote the way you feel like and don’t miss Arnold’s next movie. Also, thank you Campus Democrats for hosting! That was impressive you know. Keep up the good work and keep em coming. More the better.