Correction: In yesterday’s article on gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown, it was stated he created 9.1 million new jobs as governor from 1975-1983. It was actually 1.9 million. The Nexus regrets this error.
Gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown will make a campaign appearance at UCSB next Monday, marking his first stop on a college campus this year.
Brown — who is the former mayor of Oakland and the current Attorney General of California — will appear at the Faculty Club Green by the lagoon on April 26 from noon to 1 p.m. Brown, who is looking to become the Democrat’s nominee for governor, previously held the state’s top office from 1975 to 1983.
The event will be hosted by the Campus Democrats.
According to Campus Democrats Communications Director Ian Blue, Brown chose to come to UCSB because it is one of the most politically active college campuses in the state. Campus Democrats expects 1,500 students to attend the event.
“It’s going to be the largest event for a gubernatorial candidate on a college campus for this year,” Blue said.
According to Blue, Brown is the “front runner” in the gubernatorial race, but voter turnout is expected to be low because 2010 is an off-year election. Blue said he hopes that Brown’s platform will encourage students to get out and vote.
“When he was governor, he created 1.9 million new jobs,” Blue said. “He’s looking to create more jobs when he becomes governor in 2010.”
Brown announced his candidacy for governor on March 2 through a video on his Web site and said that improving job availability is a top priority.
“I know we can do it again and be the leader of renewable energy, good jobs and quality schools,” Brown said in the video.
“The state is in serious trouble and the next governor must have the knowledge and the know-how to get California working again,” Brown continued. “That’s what I offer and that’s why I’m declaring my candidacy for governor.”
Ryan McNicholas, fundraising chair for College Republicans, said that his group has yet to ask a Republican candidate to come to UCSB.
“There’s no gubernatorial candidate that has been asked to come,” he said. “Santa Barbara is not a targeted area for the gubernatorial candidates because they’ll be fundraising in other places.”
McNicholas also said that he doubts the strength of Brown’s campaign.
“My personal view is that Jerry Brown is putting in a last effort… to win the democratic primary, but he’ll lose to Whitman because she’ll outspend him,” McNicholas said.
Despite differing political beliefs, McNicholas said that the College Republicans are supporting students who attend the event.
“Our stance will be that we encourage students to go there and to ask meaningful questions to Mr. Brown so that they know what his views are before they vote for them,” McNicholas said.