The Associated Students Finance Board allocated $4,617 to five student organizations during last night’s meeting, leaving $31,467.89 in their Fall budget.
At the surprisingly brief one-hour-and-fifteen-minute meeting, the board fully funded Society of Anthropologists, Human Rights Group at UCSB, Cotillion Dance Club and S.T.A.N.D., while partially funding SB Media Group. A request of $25,000 from College Republicans to fund an appearance on campus by Karl Rove was tabled until next week.
College Republicans were up first, looking to put on a major event Winter Quarter by bringing political figure Karl Rove to UCSB to address the student body.
Ryan McNicholas, a political science major and fundraising chair for College Republicans, said Rove’s appearance at the university would be a unique opportunity for the community to gain insight from an informed political dialogue.
“The event will be in Campbell Hall so that students would be able to come and listen to Karl Rove whether or not you believe with his political views,” McNicholas said. “It would be great for people who don’t agree with [Rove] to come and ask questions and get into a dialogue.”
The board was also interested in the possibility that the event could educate students about current politics.
“I think we should fund this event,” board member Marcus Rochelle said. “We have been sending people to places, but this is the first group that wants to bring someone and educate students here on campus. … I also think that this is important to give people a new perspective we don’t usually see on campus.”
However, some board members had issues with the price tag and wanted to give Campus Republicans more time to hear other fundraising possibilities from the group.
Eventually, the board decided to table Campus Republicans with the stipulation that they come back with a minimum number required for moving forward with the event, and also other sources of funding for the speaker.
Later the board heard from The Society of Anthropologists, formerly known as Anthropology Student Union. The group was seeking funding for two separate events. Their first request was for guest speaker Craig Harris to screen a documentary and give a slide show presentation on Papua New Guinea, discussing the country’s political climate and ethnographic information.
Secondly, the society was looking to start a peer-reviewed academic journal that is co-sponsored by the Anthropology Dept. President Jonathan Weber, a third-year anthropology major, said that fully funding the project would make two journals possible for this school year.
During allocations, the board decided to fully fund both projects presented.