Need to speak to an academic advisor? If you have questions about academic procedures or you are having trouble choosing your classes for next quarter, don’t hesitate to visit the College Advising Office in 1117 Cheadle Hall. Advisers can help you plan out your academic program and assess your progress throughout your time at UCSB. Here, you will also be able to petition that dreadful history class you took last quarter to fulfill a requirement, as well as look into the Honor’s Program. But remember, visiting these advisers when you need help is completely up to you, so make sure you take advantage of your resources!
Need help writing an essay? Do you have a 10-page paper due next week? Do you have a ton of chemistry homework that doesn’t make any sense? How about that calculus problem that’s been haunting you in your sleep? Sometimes things can get really overwhelming, and that’s when Campus Learning Assistance Services can help you. CLAS is dedicated to helping students with a wide range of subjects including writing, math, science, foreign language and everything in between. Best of all, it’s totally free. So if that advanced physics class simply isn’t your cup of tea, stop by and visit a tutor.
Need to see a doctor? If you’ve been feeling under the weather there’s no need to worry – Student Health is there for you! Although many students are not aware, Student Health is available for all UCSB students to visit, whether you are covered by university insurance or not. Services include general check-ups, women’s health, physical therapy, psychiatry, dermatology, eye care, dental services and much more. Have a quick question that you need answered? Visit the Web site at and shoot a quick e-mail to the Patient Advocate. You’ll have your answer within three days!
Need to find a job? Career Services, located next to HSSB, is a great place to go if you are looking to learn about graduate school, make career decisions or connect with employers. Through programs, internships, workshops and career fairs, Career Services supplies each and every student with the information needed to take the next step in their academic or professional careers.
Want to get involved? Whether you are looking to join the greek system, participate in community service or start your own campus organization, the Office of Student Life can help you. OSL is located on the second floor of the Student Resource Building and provides opportunities for student involvement through their various programs. Don’t be shy, drop by!
Need to get a transcript? When applying for programs or asking for recommendation letters, you will often be asked for a copy of your transcript. Getting a hold of your transcript is actually quite easy – if you order one on GOLD, it will be ready for you at the Office of the Registrar within days.
Need money? The Financial Aid Office is a great resource for students that could save you a bundle. Here, at 2103 SAASB, you can learn more about your financial aid eligibility and pick up or turn in any necessary forms, as well as apply for financial scholarships and loans. Although paying the bill probably isn’t the best part of attending college, the Financial Aid Office can help make the process a little bit easier.
Want more information about studying abroad? If you are up for a life changing experience, check out our Education Abroad Program. Offering travel to 33 different countries, the program has sent thousands of students abroad to continue their education across the globe. EAP, found on campus at 2431 South Hall, gives the option of studying in a foreign country for part of or an entire year, with summer programs to boot. Participants stay registered at UC while abroad, continue to earn credit and make usual progress toward their degrees and pay the same fees they would pay if they remained on their home campuses.