For the fourth consecutive year, students of the University of California will be slapped with an increase in tuition.
The UC Board of Regents voted yesterday in a condensed teleconference meeting to increase undergraduate tuition fees for the 2009-10 school year by 9.3 percent – or approximately $662. The approved fee hikes will go into effect this summer.
The measure garnered 17 votes in favor and four against, with Regents John Garamendi, Eddie Island, Odessa Johnson and D’Artagnan Scorza voting against the increase.
Student fees at the UC have more than doubled since 1990.
UC President Mark Yudof traced the spike in UC tuition to Sacramento, charging the state budget with leaving the university $450 million in the hole. The deficit, according to the University of California Office of the President, is comprised of $115 million in new cuts, $122 million in under-funded enrollments and $213 million in under-funded mandatory costs for employee health benefits, utility costs and additional inflationary costs.
“We [originally] submitted a budget to the state with a zero dollar fee increase.” Yudof said. “That didn’t last 24 hours.”
Without the fee increase, Yudof said, the UC would remain hundreds of millions of dollars further in debt.
“If this doesn’t pass … I simply do not know where else to go,” Yudof said, “We have frozen all the high-level salaries, we have done everything within our means.”
The student fee hike, according to UCOP, will generate approximately $152 million in revenue, and has $54.2 million designated for undergraduate and graduate student financial aid. The rest will be to cover state budget reductions, student support services, mental health services, and other mandatory cost increases.
In addition to approving the undergraduate fee increase, the Regents also voted to appoint new chancellors at the UC Davis and UC San Francisco campuses.
Dr. Susan Desmond-Hellman, a former UCSF professor and one of Fortune 500 magazine’s “50 Most Powerful Women in Business,” was chosen by the board to be the next chancellor of UCSF.
At the meeting, Desmond-Hellman said the appointment was especially meaningful given her history with UCSF.
“The UCSF chancellorship obviously has a lot of personal meaning to me since it means coming back to a university that literally changed my life,” Desmond-Hellmann said. “I thank you very much for the honor and the opportunity.”
Desmond-Hellman, whose tenure will begin on Aug. 3, will receive an annual salary of $450,000.
Linda Katehi, a native of Greece and current provost of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, was nominated to the position of chancellor at UC Davis.
Speaking to the Regents, Katehi said she was honored to have been appointed.
“I totally feel humbled and very privileged to have been named the next chancellor of UC Davis.” Katehi said. “The work that has been done at the university by the faculty and students and also [everyone] else that has supported it has made this institution…very well known in terms of educational programs, research and engagement.”
Katehi, who received her doctorate in engineering from UCLA, will receive an annual salary of $400,000. Her appointment begins Aug. 17.
Pay RaisesUC Chancellor Butthole blames the state for UC’s budget deficit. A more in depth look suggests otherwise. "The University of California’s governing Board of Regents on Thursday approved the appointment of Dr. Susan Desmond-Hellmann, a cancer researcher and biotech industry executive, as chancellor of UC San Francisco. Her salary will be $450,000 a year – a nearly 12 percent increase over her predecessor, who earned $402,200. The regents also approved the appointment of Linda Katehi, 55, as chancellor of UC Davis at a salary of $400,000 a year – an increase of about 27 percent over her predecessor, who… Read more »
A drop in the bucket
Outrageous as those salaries are, they are a miniscule part of the UC budget. Even cutting them drastically — while necessary and just — is not going to stop fee increases AT ALL. California gov’t is utterly screwed financially, and everyone is going to be hurting badly for a long, long time because of it. Get used to it, this is only the beginning.
State Controller Chiang’s just-released report states that CA April revenue was down 39% from April 2008. Think about that number long and hard, folks. The party is over.
we can all thank all the fraud, waste, and abuse in the UC system for this