Over the last couple days, I have received a large amount of texts, calls and messages asking me what I thought about Thursday’s edition of the Nexus. Of course I knew they were all referring to the idiotic piece entitled “I Got Hoes” Jesse Byrd, Daily Nexus, Apr. 23) and my reaction was somewhat unexpected, even for myself.
At first, I couldn’t tell if the Nexus was mocking Jesse Byrd, bestowing upon him the title of “talented writer” when he so obviously is not, or if both the author and the editor were just that stupid. My next emotion was the anticipated anger, but not so much for Byrd as for the Nexus itself. We have put up with too many opinion articles spewing sexism, racism, homophobia – and the list continues – as you plead first amendment rights.
Well, Nexus, you have gone too far allowing this hate speech (which is what it is) to be uttered from a “staff writer.” This time you have directly correlated and connected yourself to the reasons a vast amount of students on this campus do not touch your editions any longer. I am appalled and pissed off that you are now receiving even more of my money (obviously not by my choice) to continue the hate and discrimination we have been fighting so hard this quarter! Do us all a favor Nexus staff: Grow up and realize that these things stop becoming funny when people feel constantly under attack.