Yesterday, Fight Night — one of the biggest annual charities held on campus — was found dead. Police suspect that ignorance on part of the Office of Greek Affairs is to blame. The Fight Night event is now another victim in the ongoing scandal within the greek community concerning the allegation of a hate crime committed by a member of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. Not only has the scandal hurt two young men, a fraternity being penalized for the actions of a sole individual, but one can also add to the body count the boxers, potential ticket holders and, most importantly, the charity that the event would have benefited.
I have a sole question for the Office of Greek Affairs: If the crime were perpetrated just as a regular assault, would there still be outcry over this? I was robbed over a year ago, and the word “kike” shone upon my wall in graffiti like the bat symbol. I was still robbed, but since the word “kike” was involved it was elevated to a “hate” crime. The bottom line is that I still got robbed, and the graffiti left in my room plays no extra part in the seriousness of the crime outside the added vandalism. Since the hate crime is still under investigation, it’s hard to jump to any reasonable conclusions until all facts are laid out on the table.
Since the fraternity is being held responsible under the accusation of a “hate” crime, then everything they do must be hateful according to the logic of Greek Affairs. Whenever a fraternity screws up, the Office of Greek Affairs always jumps to save its ass by acting out of irrationality to punish all perpetrators along every relationship they hold so they’re able to proudly puff their chest and claim their dominance.
Racism is such a scary word in current times, because whenever it’s thrown around, regardless of merit, it stings and sticks. In no way do I condone the crime that was committed, but it’s only being blown way out of proportion because the nature of the crime has the addition of racial epitaphs and a greek organization. If it were just a kid being punched outside the Marley House, it wouldn’t have even made the Nexus Police Blotter.
The people that suffer the most are the children this charity would have benefited. Instead of providing money to an organization that would teach kids that acts such as these are unacceptable in society, they are being deprived of that message.
Greek Affairs solely cares about its own reputation; they don’t care about any of the people involved in this event, nor the people that it would benefit. They only care that they portray themselves as the righteous organization that brought justice against the devious frat boys to the maximum extent of their power to prove to the school, its students and most importantly, the media outlets that they are a ferocious entity not to be dealt with! Congratulations, Greek Affairs, you won the battle. I hope depriving a nonprofit that promotes youth safety (sound familiar?) was worth it.
THANK GODwhat happened in front of PIKE was horrible to say the least, but to blame a single person’s actions on an entire fraternity, and put an important charity in jeopardy is just ridiculous. I feel horrible for members of this house as they not only had their philanthropy stripped from them, but have been subject to ridicule all over campus. If this happened anywhere else, people would hardly care but since it is an IFC Greek House people act as though the world is going to end. Get that gigantic stick out of your ass – greeks are just… Read more »
Greek Life Needs to be ReorganizedHaving a single faculty member despotically determining the life and death of chapters, philanthropies and social lives is obviously not working at UCSB. People have to remember that students pay thousands of dollars each year to live in houses that are not owned by campus and are not even aloud to drink in them subject to the official Greek life rules. Anyone reading this who is not Greek consider this… imagine how pissed off you would be if ONE PERSON in a university position WITH NO OVERSIGHT told you that you could not party, could… Read more »
Do you actually think that The Office of Greek Life suspended PIKE and canned Fight Night soley because of that one incident? Both Fight Night and PIKE have had bad reputations for quite a while, and the racial beating simply put icing on the cake. Seriously, the Greek houses here are a skid mark on this fine University, and I could care less if every Frat and Sorority here lost its charter.
Despotic or not…I can’t believe that Mr. Wyse thinks that "the graffiti left in [his] room plays no extra part in the seriousness of the crime outside the added vandalism." It’s great that he feels the worst part of the robbery was the stuff he lost, but hate-crime legislation exists for a reason. If the word "kike" was painted on your wall, then you weren’t just a random victim of criminal activity. It’s not like someone just stole a random bike off the racks. No, the graffiti indicates that you, as an identified Jewish person, are a special target. Hate… Read more »