The Associated Students Finance Board apportioned $62,121.04 to 20 student organizations during last night’s seven-hour meeting.
Pi Alpha Phi was among the organizations that were partially funded last night. The fraternity sought the largest sum of money from the 24 groups that presented, requesting a whopping $20,377.44 – almost one fifth of the money remaining in the Spring Quarter budget.
The multicultural fraternity is taking over Fight Night hosting duties – a charity boxing event with amateur fighters – from Pi Kappa Alpha. PIKE is indefinitely suspended because of allegations regarding a hate crime that occurred outside the fraternity’s house. Since the suspension, PIKE has returned almost all funding allocated to their organization for the event.
Former PIKE Fight Night Coordinator Andrew Irwin, a fourth year economics major, said even though his fraternity is no longer involved in the event, they are still dedicated to making sure the event takes place.
“While [PIKE] can’t be directly associated with it, I would kill for this event to happen,” Irwin said.
Board member Desi Fairly said Irwin should be careful with his word choice.
“You guys need to stop fighting or killing,” Fairly said. “That’s what got you into this situation in the first place.”
However, Pi Kappa Alpha member Sui Shen, a fourth year mechanical engineering major, said his organization could not put on the event unless they received at least $16,000 from the board.
The fraternity received $12,190 for their event, which is set to occur on April 17.
Additionally, Black Student Union requested funding for their African Black Coalition Conference – a three-day workshop regarding issues that face African Americans at UC campuses.
Board member David Preciado said he was worried the stipulation the board attached to the allocation — for the organization to alter its application process — was an infringement of their rights.
“The black community is less than three percent [of the UCSB student population], and that’s the reality,” Preciado said. “My biggest issue with that is that we, as Finance Board, shouldn’t be setting any rules for the organization.”
Board member Josue Aparcio, on the other hand, said the board is not imposing their own viewpoint, but making sure that everyone on campus is able to attend the workshops regardless of their association with BSU.
“By adding this stipulation, we’re not restructuring BSU’s policies,” Aparcio said. “We’re making sure the conference we’re funding gives everyone an equal chance to attend. What if someone doesn’t want to be in BSU, but wants to attend the conference?”
The club received $3,276 out of a requested $7,676 under the condition that their application process be open to the whole student body.
In internal news, Finance Board appointed a new chair – Darshan Grover, who just last week was removed as a member of Legislative Council for violating the A.S. Legal Code.