Police ordered Mark Johnson, 41, to leave campus last month after subjecting a series of female victims to an inappropriate document expressing his desire to make love to women.

According to the reporting party, Johnson was working on a computer in the Curriculum Lab of the Davidson Library when he approached a female employee and requested that she view a word document on his computer.

When the employee returned, she reported that Johnson had shown her an inappropriate text describing how he wanted to meet and make love to women. She expressed that Johnson had made her very uncomfortable, and she left the scene immediately.

The following day, Johnson returned to the library and continued to solicit females, subjecting several unidentified UCSB students to the same document.

When Johnson returned to the library two days later and resumed his behavior, an informant contacted campus police and reported the string of events.

According to UC Police Dept. Sgt. Matt Bowman, when officers arrived on the scene Johnson denied any wrongdoing and insisted the officers were detaining him on the basis of his skin color. Johnson is African-American.

“Johnson kept insisting he had not done anything wrong,” Bowman said. “Johnson became verbally aggressive and informed the officers they were being racist.”

Bowman said Johnson refused to cooperate with the investigation.

“The Captain had to come down to the library and meet with him,” Bowman said. “He explained that he was being ordered to leave campus for his disruptive behavior, not for his race.”

Johnson was eventually ordered to leave campus on Feb. 20 under California Penal Code 626.6, which Bowman said gives campus police the authority to order individuals off campus for seven days if they are disrupting the business of the university.

Quite often, Bowman said, this type of sexualized behavior signals the propensity to commit increasingly inappropriate and violent behavior.

“Persons who act this way are known to commit more aggressive acts. He may, for instance, progress to putting his hands on victims or luring them away to commit a sexual assault,” Bowman said. “This type of inappropriate behavior is analogous to a gateway drug like marijuana; it paves the way for more serious offenses.”

People who come into contact with the described individual are strongly advised to contact campus police at (805) 893-3446.
