To all the citizens of Isla Vista:
Don’t be fooled by Doreen Farr as the election for 3rd District Supervisor approaches. During the 2000 Goleta incorporation debate, she opposed urban government for Isla Vista. Now her campaign says she supports urban government and “self-determination for I.V.” This would be a miraculous change.
On the campaign trail, Ms. Farr admits she supported excluding I.V. from the current city of Goleta. This condemned I.V. to continue to be governed by the county. It has marginalized the influence of I.V. citizens by placing them in a larger, and much different pool of voters. If Isla Vista were part of Goleta, the citizens of I.V would have had a say in such matters as the Brooks Firestone noise and keg ordinance, as well as the dreaded I.V. Foot Patrol.
In 2000, Dr. Dave Bearman testified against the Goleta Now proposal, because it did not include I.V. and because the proposal would create a city that could potentially go broke in 10 years. Goleta is now in big financial trouble and I.V. is still ruled by the county. Hopefully the voters will realize this is just one of many examples of how Dr. Bearman is the only candidate who truly cares about what happens to I.V.
Another puzzling thing about Doreen Farr is the way she touts herself as “the most green, environmentally friendly” candidate. The only two things Farr has on her platform are preserving the Gaviota coast and protecting agriculture. Dr. Bearman will do both of those things, and also give local farmers the ability to grow industrial hemp. Canadians have a monopoly on the huge market for hemp products in the U.S. Let’s let our local farmers grow this eco-friendly plant, and nab some of the revenue the Canadians have enjoyed for so long.
Dr. Dave started the I.V. Health Clinic — which means he’s been involved with the community ever since 1970 — and served on the Clinic Board of Directors until 2000. He taught the first human sexuality course at UCSB and the first recreational drug pharmacology course, as well as a black studies course highlighting the history of the discriminatory nature of our nation’s drug laws. He served on the Isla Vista Community Council, helped start the Isla Vista Park and Recreation District and was on the Committee to Save Perfect Park. Dr. Bearman’s committee work is why we still have the park today. It’s unfortunate some more parks couldn’t be saved, because instead the I.V. Foot Patrol will receive a nice new prison complex currently being built in our backyard.
Dr. Dave also worked on getting the Adopt-A-Block program in I.V., which keeps our streets and community clean without cost to the county budget. He has a history of thinking creatively to solve problems rather than just hoping the status quo will work out one day. He acts on his judgments and will not be swayed by any political or monetary ties he must adhere to — something the other candidates in the race cannot say.
As the Nexus even said, Dr. Dave would be the ideal candidate for mayor of I.V. The Nexus represents people who live, work and study in I.V. Why should they care if the conservatives in North County won’t support him because of his support for reforming our irrational marijuana laws? Bearman is obviously the best candidate for the people in I.V., and it is a shame our community paper would not endorse a candidate who best represents their own community.
Win or lose, Dave Bearman has been involved with I.V. for almost 40 years, and will continue to work toward making our special community a better place. The question is whether we want someone who will represent I.V. Even if not elected, Dr. Bearman will continue to represent us as he has been doing for most of his life, while other candidates have only been here for two months while trying to pick up our vote.