In the course of 60 intense seconds, Dan Loriaux broke a basketball world record – hitting 25 three pointers in just one minute.

The undeclared UCSB freshman made the shots on video, beating the previous Guinness Book of World Records listing of 20 shots set by Washington Wizards shooting coach Dave Hopla. Loriaux said that when he shoots, he tries to detach himself from the experience.

“I typically try not to think much at all,” Loriaux said. “I just turn everything else off. By the time one [shot] starts arcing and coming down, you have to shoot again. You just keep firing.”

This was not the first time Loriaux has tried for the record. He said he originally believed that the record was set from the college three-point line rather than the professional one. After his first submission to Guinness was invalidated for this technicality, he said he took a few steps back and tried again, this time scoring an additional basket.

According to Loriaux, when he shoots in rapid succession, a crowd often gathers to watch.

“The gym that I typically go to has this huge glass wall,” Loriaux said. “Sometimes my friends start laughing because people just cluster around the glass.”

To put together his attempt, Loriaux said he needed a whole day. He said he recruited a friend with a video camera, more friends to feed him basketballs and an additional two witnesses unrelated to him to sign off on the feat, which Guinness confirmed as a record-breaking performance earlier this month.

“You had to have the whole thing documented,” Loriaux said. “You needed to send proof that the hoop was regulation height. Breaking the actual record took one minute, but getting everything together and sending it in took a lot longer.”

Loriaux said his skill does not come naturally, and that he has trained himself to make accurate shots since before middle school, occasionally taking over three thousand practice jump shots in a day.

“I’m at the Rec Cen a lot, and I typically just shoot jump shots,” Loriaux said. “I haven’t been able to shoot as much since I got down here [to UCSB], but I still shoot every day.”

Though Loriaux is now a world record holder, he said he has no plans to play basketball for the Gauchos. He said he has yet to test his skills against those of any pro basketball players, though he said he is confident he could hold his own when it comes to shooting.

“There’s more to the game than just shooting jumpers,” Loriaux said. “But if it came down to ‘Horse,’ that would be different.”
