Editor, Daily Nexus,
Having thoroughly enjoyed and grown through my years at UCSB, I felt it was reasonable to comment on the intercollegiate swimming pool proposed at Rob Field 4. Looking back some 18 years, so much has changed on campus and in Isla Vista. As a former water polo player, I enjoyed the opportunity to participate in intercollegiate athletics and represent the school. During my years from 1987-89, many things happened on campus for the long-range health of the school. One in particular, was the passage of the Rec Center funding proposal. It was during this time the debate became furious about whether to approve this project or not. I remember the naysayers felt this would just be a site for intercollegiate athletics to take over. As time has shown, the Rec Cen has been a great resource for the students on campus, and a few times, this facility was made available for selected intercollegiate events. When I was participating in the campaign to get this passed, I knew any student fees incurred by upperclassmen would not provide any direct benefit them. In keeping with Gaucho tradition, we looked toward the future.
As a former intercollegiate athlete and water polo player, I used the 60+ year-old Campus Pool – with fond memories, I must add. One thing that did hinder our success at the Division I level was the fact that Campus Pool didn’t meet competition requirements. We were never able to get the top teams outside our conference to come to Santa Barbara. This incurred an additional expense, having to travel and meet them at their sites. Building a new pool for the campus today is much overdue. I don’t believe there is a Division I program with a pool even half the age of the Campus Pool.
In reading the article last Wednesday (“Proposed Pool Plan Perturbs Students,” Daily Nexus, Jan. 30), some of the arguments lack foresight. The issue of sharing locker rooms during construction shouldn’t be a burden – just a short-term inconvenience. On the matter of the site, I don’t have the knowledge about which areas are most used by the student population today. That choice should be made by the university or Associated Students, with the best interests of the students and the economic viability of the site in mind. My personal favorite would be to rebuild it at the current Campus Pool site: Too many fond memories there. Maybe throw in a little carpet for old times.
Remember, Gauchos: Your actions now are your legacy in the future. Just like taking the keg from the football team to further a great party at Xanadu Lanes. A little inconvenience now would have great long-range benefit for the campus.