Editor, Daily Nexus,

I am compelled to write as a result of my immense concern, dismay and, most of all, anger over last Wednesday’s landmark Supreme Court ruling, which upheld the federal abortion ban, in effect criminalizing some early second trimester abortions.

This appalling decision amounts to unprecedented restrictions on women’s health, taking intensely private, medical decisions out of the hands of women and their doctors and putting them into the hands of politicians. Since the enactment of Roe v. Wade, our country’s highest court had not, until now, approved a restriction on choice, without including an exception for a woman’s overall health.

As a daughter, a future mother, a current student and, most importantly, a woman who demands the right to choose, I cannot sit by complacently. I am fearful that this latest ruling will translate into even harsher limitations in the near future.

Please join myself and other alarmed members of the UCSB chapter of VOX: Voices for Planned Parenthood, in partnership with the Women’s Health Center, in rallying to protest the greatest threat to choice our generation has ever seen. Do not take your freedoms for granted. Meet at 12 p.m. at the Women’s Center Lawn this Thursday, April 26.
