Washington State Police have located the former UCSB staff engineer who allegedly posted threats targeting faculty in the Engineering Science Building East on Craigslist.
Former employee Neil Baker, the alleged writer of a Jan. 10 post on the popular classifieds website, was found in Washington state late last week. Baker was known to be a resident of Washington at the time of the Craigslist posting. In the post, the writer referenced today’s one-year anniversary of the Goleta Post Office shootings in which Jennifer San Marco shot and killed six of her U.S. Postal Service co-workers, and wrote that he desired to re-enact the violence on campus.
Despite finding Baker, the ESB East will remain in lock-down with a UC Police Department officer posted at the front entrance until the building closes today, said UCPD public information officer Matt Bowman. The lock-down has been in effect since Jan. 23.
Authorities were unable to release information regarding Baker’s exact location. In addition, because the investigation remains in progress, no official press release has been issued, Bowman said. The contact information of the local law enforcement in Washington currently handling the situation has yet to be released to the public.
Last week, about 70 campus officials and ESB East employees met to discuss the threat and possible responses, Bowman said.
“I feel that it was a positive exchange of information from both the campus community and police,” Bowman said. “Suggestions were made in both directions and it also showed that campus officials to the highest level were aware and involved.”