The Associated Students Finance Board allocated over $100,000 in funds yesterday to several A.S. entities and student groups after following through on three resignations discussed at last week’s meeting.
Board members began the meeting by removing Naz Hassanzadeh-Kiabm, Mozi Ali and Joe Alvarez for unexcused absences that exceeded the permissible two per quarter. Afterward, they unanimously agreed to distribute $3,500 among 14 Office of Student Life organizations, with each receiving $250, and approved funding for the A.S. Academic Affairs Board as well as for Finance Board. The remainder of the money, approved unanimously, went to A.S. BCCs – boards, committees and commissions.
The money for BCCs came as part of the A.S. mid-year budgetary requests, a process that will allocate funds derived from the Students’ Initiative among A.S. entities. Of this money, for example, $5,000 went to A.S. President Jared Goldschen’s account to pay for up to 1,000 student tickets for the UCSB men’s soccer game on Saturday.
Goldschen said the tickets would be an incentive for students to attend the game.
“It’s part of keeping with the UCSB spirit,” Goldschen said. “Maybe it will be an incentive for students to support our team.”
After the meeting, Internal Vice President Felix Hu said the board allocated the BCC funds at yesterday’s meeting as opposed to waiting until Winter Quarter – the usual time A.S. entities’ budgets are decided – in order to account for the passage of the Students’ Initiative. This process is similar to when the board calculates funds gathered from Summer Sessions A.S. fees.
“They decided to give the BCCs the first crack at the funding and the remainder will go to the rest of the student groups,” Hu said. “The money we will collect wasn’t budgeted into last year so all the sudden we have this large surplus of money. That money was designated unallocated.”
During the revision process, board members voted – 10 in favor, one opposed and one abstaining – to remove all BCC honoraria requests, which would provide monetary compensation to individuals not currently being paid to work for A.S. entities. BCC must usually obtain honoraria via the Honoraria Committee.
Chris Karlin, advocate general for the Office of the Student Advocate, said his organization requested $18,200, of which $6,000 was meant to be for staff honoraria. He said the bulk of the money would go to special projects.
“My only deal with honoraria is that the people that work in our office work there so much they can’t get outside jobs,” Karlin said as he addressed the board. “If you don’t feel that [the honoraria] is necessary then I’m not going to argue.”
Additionally, the board distributed $3,500 to 14 organizations registered in the Office of Student Life. Among the 14 groups, last night’s allocations included the International Students Association, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, and Indus.
However, some board members debated giving funds to Graduate Student Association groups as graduate students did not vote on the Students’ Initiative, and do not have to pay the increased lock-in fee.
In rebuttal, J.P. Slauenwhite said graduate students make considerable contributions to the campus, and are thus entitled to the funds.
“They are students too,” Slauenwhite said. “As grad students, they do a lot of research that … makes the name of the university.”
The board then bundled and approved the funds with consent.
Before adjourning, the board also quickly and unanimously approved $3,000 to the Academic Affairs Board for finals comfort kits, and $750 to Finance Board to advertise the base funding that OSL groups may receive via the Students’ Initiative.