The 2005 UCSB Clery Report, released yesterday, shows a major increase in drug citations and larceny-theft in campus non-residential buildings, but a decrease in arrests from liquor infractions in non-residential buildings.
The Clery Report includes all reported crimes that occurred on university-owned property, including the main UCSB campus, off-campus buildings and public property adjacent to the campus. These figures are released annually by the Division of Student Affairs in accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.
Small fluctuations between the numbers reported in the 2004 and 2005 reports were common. Most of the statistics did not differ more or less than a few incidents for each type of crime.
However, drug citations increased from 78 in 2004 to 235 in 2005 for campus residences, while larceny-theft in non-residential buildings went from 52 in 2004 to 220 last year. A decrease by almost half was seen in non-residential arrests from liquor infractions, 42 in 2004 to 24 in 2005.
UCSB showed the most drug citations among the three other UC reports available Monday, which included UC Los Angeles, UC Davis and UC Berkeley. The 2005 Clery Reports for the UC campuses in San Diego, Irvine, Riverside, Santa Cruz and Merced were not available online.
UCLA reported the next highest number of drug citations at 111 on-campus property incidents not reported to the police department. UC Berkeley reported the highest number of arrests related to drug possession at 95. UCSB had a total of 72 for 2005 and 59 in the 2004 report, the majority of which occurred in non-residential locations.
Liquor citations in on-campus residences at UCSB totaled 1,188 in 2005. Citations were at 744, the next highest, for all UCLA-owned property both on and off the main campus.
The larceny-theft category did not appear on the reports for Berkeley, Los Angeles and Davis. The UCSB report showed that Isla Vista had 261 larceny-theft incidents in 2005. There was one robbery reported at UCSB in student organizations but 14 reported at Berkeley, the highest among the reports available.
The total number of burglaries at UCSB, 65 in 2005, was less than UCLA, which reported a total of 260; Davis, which reported 90; and Berkeley with 69. Isla Vista had 222 reported burglaries in 2005 and 289 in 2004.
There were no reported incidents of arson in 2005 but three on campus in 2004 and three in Isla Vista. Berkeley reported the most in 2005 with five.
There were no reported murders or hate crimes either on campus or in Isla Vista in 2005; in 2004 there was one murder/non-negligent manslaughter in Isla Vista but no hate crimes. UC Berkeley, UC Davis and UCLA also reported no murders or hate crimes in 2005.
The number of forcible sex offenses decreased in 2005 from 10 to eight. UCLA’s report showed the highest number at 11, Berkeley showed five and Davis did not report forcible sex offenses.