Two theater troupes satisfied plenty of audience members last weekend as they sought to tickle a certain bone with the presentation of “Endless Climax” …90 Minutes of Pain. Hail to the Piece and the Multicultural Drama Company (MCDC) came together at the MultiCultural Center for the production, which was performed at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights.

The show’s theme, although loosely adhered to, involved poking fun at the media, including: commercials, news, music and reality TV. The show was presented like a movie, complete with fun facts and previews before it began. A message to turn off your cell phone gave a taste of what was to come. A short film was shown of two people in a theater talking on cell phones when men with hockey sticks and baseball bats beat them to the ground. “Please do not use cell phones or laser pointers,” the screen read. This the kind of controversial no-holds-barred comedy may offend some, but the audience Sunday night proved that those on the UCSB campus have thick skins and hearty senses of humor.

The actors with the largest roles of the night were Krishna Narayanamurti and Cesar “Cheeser” Ramos. Narayanamurti performed his own standup act, in which he made the case for more female drug dealers and pointed out the ridiculousness of God’s intricate directions to Moses for construction of an alter. He also performed in the mockumentary “Twindians.” In this film, Narayanamurti and his musical accomplice, played by Manish Mehta, portray two has-been musicians, who sing mostly about hating women without realizing that they are a joke. Ramos also appeared in many of the sketches, including the reality TV show “Stalkers,” where he was filmed following people around and subsequently running away from them. He also performed in the sketch “Deaf Comedy Jam,” which received the biggest and most frequent laughs of the night. Ramos played a man with Death Paranoid Syndrome, a fake illness that caused him to believe his friends were talking about him and people were coming to get him. At one point while playing a game of Outburst Remix with his friends, he stood up and proclaimed, “It’s not safe here,” at which point he threw down a chair and ran offstage. This fear turned him crazy and violent and then he turned into a gangster rapper.

The rest of the large cast gave strong performances in scenes that included a guy that spit a lot when he talked, a workout video and the fake TV show titled “My Two Sals,” which focused on a ghost who could only interact with the male penis.

These two troupes provided a show that is unlike anything being shown TV or even on film. The troupes’ disregard for offending people allowed them to push the boundaries of comedy. These guys weren’t holding back, and this truly made them something special. Look for more shows from the MCDC later this quarter; just remember, this isn’t your grandma’s comedy show.
