Atjazz has found a great harmony between electronic, dance and smooth sounds in LabResults, an album consisting of new tracks and remixes from Labfunk, an album released in June 2001. A music freak like me worships the tracks on LabResults because of their extreme innovation. While not fast enough to dance to, this music invigorates the mind and relaxes the soul. Deep bass is abundant and helps the music to keep its originality. This is especially apparent in the song “Rain Angel.” Besides bass, the small amount of vocals stands out and flows well in songs such as “Harmony.” LabResults also has revolutionary beats on songs such as “The Walk Home” and “Day 2001.” So who should check them out? Metal fans should approach with caution, as well as gangsta rap fans. Everyone else should go out and take Atjazz for a test drive; chances are you’ll like it.
[Allen Biehle’s smile and sheer enthusiasm are a breath of fresh air.]
