Editor, Daily Nexus,

I am writing in response to Vanessa Rivers’ column, “Save the Earth and the Nation” (Daily Nexus, Oct. 12). I agreed with the vast majority of the column – that is, until I reached the last paragraph. Rivers professes to care passionately about the environment yet she doesn’t know who to vote for come Election Day? Is she out of her flippin’ mind? Off her proverbial rocker? Has she lost a marble or two thousand? Allow me to direct her to a little website: www.johnkerry.com/communities/enviros/compare.html.

For those that haven’t seen this site, it is a direct comparison of Bush’s environmental policies – in practice as opposed to in speech, the bastard tends to lie every time he opens his mouth – and Kerry’s proposed alternatives to the worst environmental record since well before Nixon, a republican, who created the Environmental Protection Agency. On this site, one can find out about how Bush “supported rolling back Clean Water Act protections for 60 percent of our nation’s waters, refuses to reduce mercury emissions from power plants until 2018, allowed 17,000 old coal-fired power plants, refineries, and other factories to avoid reducing their pollution by gutting Clean Air Act safeguards, and wants to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and other sensitive lands and coastlines.” All of this came before I even scrolled down the page.

In contrast, Kerry “authored bipartisan legislation requiring reporting of global warming pollutants, successfully passed legislation to cut greenhouse gas emissions and promote domestic energy security, and fought off Bush’s attempt to kill critical protections for wetlands.” Don’t believe the website?

Check out the senate record that netted him a 92 percent rating from the League of Conservation Voters. In contrast, the League says, “Bush’s environmental performance may be gauged by the fact that he received an F on his most recent [League] Presidential Report Card – the first failing grade given to a president in [League] history.”

It took me all of five minutes to find this information. Perhaps if Rivers would care to spend that much time thinking about this election, she would not remain undecided.
