With the proposed Isla Vista parking permit plan coming before the county supervisors for approval a week from today, 3rd District Supervisor Gail Marshall said Monday she opposes the plan’s $195 annual permit cost.
Marshall, I.V.’s closest elected representative, said the annual fee is too high.
“Two-hundred dollars is nothing that I could ever support,” Marshall said.
The parking permit plan, which was approved by the Project Area Committee and General Plan Advisory Committee last month amid vocal student and resident opposition, aims to free up spaces throughout the town by preventing UCSB commuters from parking in I.V. and then walking to campus.
Local business owners have complained that such commuters take up spaces in I.V. to avoid paying fees for parking in university lots, thus blocking access to their establishments.
Marshall said she’s received many e-mails from students and residents regarding the parking permit plan but has heard nothing but support from business owners. She said she is waiting to see a staff report detailing where money generated by the plan goes and the possibility for inclusion of alternate modes of transportation, like car-sharing, before she decides what permit cost she would support.
As proposed, the plan would mandate permits for parking on the street in the residential area of I.V. and establish a metered parking area in I.V.’s downtown district, which includes portions of Pardall Road and the Embarcadero loop.
Annual permits for cars registered in the county would cost $125, while annual permits for cars registered outside of the county would cost $195. Permits would also be available for purchase on a quarterly basis and at a reduced rate for those able to demonstrate financial need.
While all residential zones would allow residents and visitors one hour of free parking, nonresidents would need to purchase a guest permit costing $3 each for the first 15 issued, then $7 for each additional permit issued after that.
Marshall said I.V.’s parking problem, along with issues related to housing and the sheriff’s dept., has always been a major issue affecting the town since she has been representing it on the Board of Supervisors.
“There are lots of other little things,” Marshall said, “but nothing ever rises to the height of those issues.”