The Students’ Party wisely centered its platform around increased availability to its prospective constituents: the students. The Daily Nexus has endorsed Cervin Morris because he’s a great figurehead for a party stressing the need for more interaction between UCSB students and their elected leaders in Associated Students. Morris is approachable, genuine and – most importantly – not an A.S. Martian.

Whether other candidates were born on Earth or rocketed here from our red, rocky neighbor, many are absorbed in the A.S. lifestyle – their vocabularies and personalities so frightfully warped – that conversing with them is like communicating with an alien. Morris speaks like he is addressing real people, not just prospective voters. Other candidates like Student Unity Now’s Ginger Gonzaga might have more A.S. experience, but Morris can bridge the gap between students and past administrations. When the real Martians come and ask to be taken to our leader, that leader should be Cervin Morris.
