On the Night Train, Workin’ On the Night Train
Thursday, Feb. 26, 6:50 a.m. – UC police found a 21-year-old man passed out on the grass near the tennis courts at Francisco Torres Residence Hall. His clothing was wet and soiled with dirt. Dried leaves, dirt and other debris were also caught in his hair.
When police questioned him, the subject said he did not live at the residence hall, nor did he know how he got there. He admitted to drinking a 40 ounce bottle of Old English malt liquor mixed with Night Train. He also said he was a UCSB student.
Officers placed the subject under arrest for public intoxication. A search of the subject following his arrest turned up a pink plastic egg in the front right pocket of his pants, filled with a small amount of marijuana. The subject was booked into Santa Barbara County Jail, where he was housed, pending sobriety.
I’m OK, You’re OK, She’s Going to Jail
Friday, Feb. 27, 9:57 p.m. – UC officers on patrol observed a crowd of people in the roadway in front of Santa Rosa Residence Hall on UCen Road. Officers were told that the crowd was waiting there to be picked up by a bus to go to an off-campus dance.
Police noticed people in the crowd yelling at passing vehicles attempting to drive down the street. One woman kicked a vehicle as it passed.
Police said she was uncooperative when they attempted to contact her. She provided the name “Jennifer Harris,” but suspicions were raised when UCPD officers heard someone in the crowd say, “Jessica, it’ll be OK. Just relax.”
The crowd yelled at the officers as the woman was placed under arrest for public intoxication and providing a false name to an officer.
Lonely Nights
Saturday, Feb. 28, 3:59 a.m. – UCPD officers responded to a call from a community service officer (CSO) at Francisco Torres Residence Hall after an unidentified man was found sleeping on the sixth-floor lobby next to the elevators of FT’s north tower.
When the police arrived, the CSO said the man was now awake, but masturbating. UCPD officers went up to the sixth floor and arrested the individual for indecent exposure. The subject was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
The 21-year-old male, who is not affiliated with the university, was taken into custody and brought to the IVFP police station, where he was later released on a citation.